Bonus Chapter: Christmas Comas

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My first Christmas with Barry, god was it a little nerve-wracking. We had decided to spend it with Joe at the West household, he had even invited my mom and Laurel, and now it was just preparation.

"What the hell am I suppose to get him?" I asked, sitting down at my desk in the Precinct, lunch was just starting so most of my co-workers were getting lunch or in the break room.

"Get him something sciencey, ask Caitlin or Cisco for help on picking a book or equipment he needs" Felicity suggested, she was on break at Palmer tech.

"Yea, something that has meaning but not too much, it's still your first Christmas together," Thea said, she was getting Verdant ready for New Years.

"Wouldn't that mean it would have to be something sentimental?" Laurel asked, she was wrapping up a day at the courthouse.

"Not helping guys" I sighed.

"Right sorry," Thea said. "Just get him something that means something to him"

"And I'm back at square one" I sighed, leaning back. "I'll talk to you guys later, I need to work"

"Love you, Ave!" Felicity cheered. "Merry Christmas and happy hanukah"

"Merry Christmas," I said. I hung up and looked at the newest photo on my desk which was, of course, Barry and I ice skating downtown. God, was this going to be a fun Christmas.


I made my way up the steps with Eddie to the West house, it was decorating time. "Hey" I exclaimed walking in.

"Oh, hey!" Barry jumped up. "You guys are early"

Iris was clutching a necklace with a gold ring on it. "Yea, Singh let almost everyone out early," I said.

"That's a beautiful necklace," Eddie said.

"Thanks, it's an exact replica of my mother's wedding ring" Iris smiled, "Barry got it for me"

"Oh, it's so nice" I grinned. "Um, how's decorating?"

"Just starting," Barry said, "You guys want some eggnog?"

"Sure," I said, I pulled out my phone.

Birds Of the Feather

Barry got Iris a ring

I'm sorry... a ring?

Yea, an exact replica of her mother's wedding ring

I don't know how to respond to this

He got his foster sister a wedding ring?

I've never been more confused


I should go, I'm helping decorate

Good luck with your sister wife

Jesus Christ

I put my phone away, picking up some of the decorations and starting to hang stuff. "Here" Barry came over, handing me a cup of eggnog, I took a sip and it immediately hit me.

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