Chapter 91

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"Are you really helping her? Or are you just helping yourself?" (Yeong-Gi)

"...You need to start showing some respect to your older brother, Boy." (Kousuke)

Their conversation steeled my resolve.

CCREEEAAAKKK went the Kousuke's office door. The brothers turned and found me at office entrance, looking apprehensive and uncomfortable. Yet resolute.



"I-I think I heard enough," I managed to get out. I straighten my shoulders and raise my head a little higher. You can do this. Not wanting to fall again in these outrageous heels, I cautiously approach them.

I turn my gaze to Kousuke, "Kousuke, I was not trying to overhear your conversation. However, if you wanted a private discussion with your brother, I respectfully suggest that have a lower voice as I could hear you down the hall while your door was still closed."

"Yeong-Gi," I turn and address him. "You have always been a good friend to me. Better than I deserve at times." I look at down as I mentioned this part. Because it's true and I don't want to know the look in his eyes as voice it. "Yet, I need you to trust me and let me handle this on m-my own." I look up again to his gaze.

"I know," he tells me, "that's why I -"

I raise up my hand, "Ever since that horrible masquerade party, you looked out for me and I appreciate it. I really do. Please don't take what I'm about to say as ungratefulness because it's not." I take a deep breathe and summon an ounce of courage. "I know in your eyes, these past events must me seem look weak and vulnerable to you. And perhaps I am, but I cannot get stronger if someone else is fighting my battles for me."

When I look into his eyes, I expected to see disgust or frustration. But all I saw was kindness and, I think, even pride...? I don't why he's smiling at me, but he's always smiling so I think nothing of it. Weird. He says nothing after my little speech to him, so I turn back to Kousuke.

"Since I unfortunately heard what you truly think of me, Kousuke, I want to make you a deal." My goodness these boys are tall and my neck hurts from looking up at both of them, but I cannot leave until I've said my peace.

"Hm," Kousuke grunts, "very well." He crosses his arms and leans against his desk. "What is it that you propose? Is not the etiquette classes a satisfactory solution?"

"The classes are fine and not what I wanted to discuss. Even though your comments were harsh, you did have a point. I do need to know how to navigate this business world and these classes will help do that. However," I shift uncomfortably at this part, "your brother also made some valid points as well."

"Oh? Please, Ms. Yoo. Enlighten me," he retorts.

I can't believe I'm going to do this, especially in front of Yeong-Gi. But if I don't get it out now, I might not have the courage to do it later.

"I know it's not my place to you how to run your business, as my elder and boss, but you didn't even give me chance to understand your concerns on my failures. I know I messed up on my first day, I didn't need you to keep hammering that fact. What i-it would have been nice if you gave me chance to rectify my mistakes on my own." I take a wobbling step towards him. "So, my deal is this: you give me one month to show you what I can do and if by the end of the month you still find me lacking, I'll quietly quit this position. No fuss and no suing. Deal?"

I stick out my hand towards him, as an olive branch and as a sign of sincerity. Gosh I hope he takes me seriously. Doubt start to creep in the longer I wait. One second. What if I spoke out of turn? Two seconds. What if he fires me right now? Three sec –

Kousuke's firm hand takes hold of mine. Wow, it's soft! Like a baby's butt! Not that I know what a baby's butt feels like, but I can imagine -

"Deal," he says.


Shin-ae takes a wobbling step towards me. Why can't she walk normal? Is Nol...right? Am I making her uncomfortable?

"So, my deal is this: you give me one month to show you what I can do and if by the end of the month you still find me lacking, I'll quietly quit this position. No fuss and no suing. Deal?"

She sticks out her hand towards me. As an olive branch? But looking into her eyes, I think it's a sign of sincerity. I look down at her offered hand. After hearing all my doubts about her, she still wants to stay? I keep looking down at her hand with questions racing through my mind. One second. How did someone so young get so bold? Two seconds. Am wrong for wanting her to stay? Three sec –

"Deal," I blurt out. What are you doing?? I think to myself. You can't afford this kind of distraction!

But of course, I'm not listening to my rational side. Father is having publicists snoop around the company, and with Shin-ae around, who knows what kind of trouble I'll get into.

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