BONUS: Chapter 129

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He whistled. "And what do yer mam think of it? She must be worried about ya, boyo." The high from my fight started to crash at the mention of my mother.

The lightness from earlier turned heavy. I gave him a shrug for an answer.

Because honestly, what was supposed to say? That my mother died and the last one to see her alive was my half-brother? That my father took me from Nana, yet visits me in Ireland a handful of times out of the year?

No. I came here for one thing. I eyed Declan and simply told him, "I'm here to mark my latest win." I stuffed my earnings back into my gym bag.

Declan raised his hands in surrender. "Ok ok, I'll help ya. Go to my station and I'll be there shortly."

I nodded and went to his chair. I set my bag down and gingerly began to take off my shirt. Shite this hurts. And my dumb ass wants a tattoo? I looked at the mirror next to Declan's work station and saw the artwork I already put there.


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Hm... I think another star on top would do it. While the main piece mimicked the design of my mother's protection charm, I added stars for each win I earned. Even though her charm did nothing to protect her, having its image on my back felt like I could carry a piece of her. A piece that Father could not ever take away.

I modified Declan's chair so I can lie down on my stomach, leaving my back exposed for an added star to represent my added win. One trembling hand, then another, I slowly got on the chair. But lying down hurts like hell, so I turned to my side with the least amount of bruising. Still freaking hurts but it was better than squishing my cracked ribs.

Just when I'm settled, I heard the chime of the front door being opened. Huh, I wonder what other customer comes after hours. I soon get my answers.

"Where is he?" said the newcomer.

That voice...I know that voice. But it couldn't be. I haven't talked to Sensei in almost a year. Not since the Kinahan recruited me to fight for them.

Declan answered the man with Sensei's voice. "He's at my chair waiting for another tattoo. Probably wants another star." I could practically hear him shrug, as if my wins were of no consequence.

"Thank you," replied the man.

I stayed frozen in my spot on the chair. Tpp. Tpp. Tpp. The footsteps of the stranger were getting closer - Tpp Tpp Tpp - and closer.

"Well well well," said the man. "Look who we have here."

I don't answer. I don't even look up, too afraid if it really was him.

The man lets out a sad chuckle. "Oh, come now. Is this how you treat your Sensei?"

Shit. It is him. I take a deep breath and slowly turn my head to face him.

"Sensei Aasim," I greeted.

"Nol," he responds back with a slight bow of his head. His eyes took a glance over my bruised body. "Is this why I don't see you at the dojo anymore?"

I shrugged, careful to not wince. "I've been busy."

Sensei scoffs. "Och aye, I can see that." He grabbed my shirt from where I tossed it on the floor and threw it at me. "Here. You should really take much better care of your things, kid. Didnnae I teach you anything?  You're going to need this on your back and not on the floor for where we're going."

We walked out of the tattoo studio and into the cold. "C'mon," he said, pointing to his car. "There's something you need to see."

[Whatever it is, it must be important] I thought.  Otherwise he wouldn't be breaking the restraining order Father placed on him.  I had to admit, I missed Sensei.  When the Kinahan approached me, I said no, of course.  But then Mam died, Father took Nana's rights to me away and then placed a restraining order on the one tether I had to my mother and...and...and I was so angry and felt so out of control.  So when the Kinahan approached me second time, I couldn't say yes fast enough. 

One fight, I promised myself.  Just one fight.  But then I won that fight.  And one fight become two.  Then three.  The more I fought for the Kinahan, I started to spend less and less time in Sensei's dojo.  I didn't want to see the disappointment in his face. 

Now I'm in Sensei's car driving to...the police station??  Is my Sensei going to arrest me?  I turned to him from the passenger seat, panic struck my body frozen. 

*The tattoo - I know Quimchee hasn't drawn him with a tattoo BUT I couldn't resist. Muscles + tattoos = double hotness points! 

***Author Anouncement: Taking a break. My mom had major surgery.  Will resume in October. Sorry for the cliff-hanger!***

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