Chapter 27- More fights

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•Noah's POV•

We were outside looking around for anything in the park. Nothing particularly but something to entertain us till I saw something catch the corner of my eye.

I looked over and saw jade hunched over on the ground.

" you think she will be okay" Louis said

" no duh it's just a ball being thrown at her nothing serious" Nick said

" do you think she will fight her" Tyler then asked

" bet 5 bucks she will" nick said

' you can clearly see she wants to but won't' I told myself

" bet 10 for not fighting" Jason then said surprisingly

" I bet 30" I then said

" I bet 4 bucks for fighting" Louis said

" if she doesn't then she might fight some else today want to bet that" Tyler then said

" 40" I said

" now pay attention" I said as we looked over and saw jade ready to throw a punch but something stopped her

" why is she not swinging" nick whined

I kept focusing on hey and saw her turn around and then back to Emma and step away.

" it's because willow called out to her and told her to stop...they didn't want her to fight" I said

" Hand in the money" Jason said

" when we ge-

I then turn my head to Ian screaming jades name.

Knowing the history between these two it is not good so we have to keep a close eye when they are near each other.

I looked to my left to see Louis and nick recording for some reason.

I got closer to Ian and jade so I can see more clearly and maybe hear.

But as I approached I saw jade get smacked. I stood there in shock. I didn't know what to do as well as her.

She then slowly got up and then jumped onto Ian falling to the ground punching him.

People came running to them watching them struggle and fight as we stood there in total confusion and shock.

I heard blow after blow as if she was a grown man fighting another.

Willow then screamed her name and ran to her pushing everyone away and then kicking him.

But I guess that didn't do anything because jade was now on the ground. I, knowing how hard he hits I went as fast I could over there but the rest of the jades group came running over and started to hit Ian as hard as they could; before being able to hit jade.

" Get Them" I told the boys and they quickly jumped in

As I came closer I clearly saw that she knees him where the sun don't shine and he fell right off her.

My boys were able to pull away the girls but Ethan got jade while she struggled to get out of his grip.

I looked over to Ian who was now charging at jade. I looked back at jade as she dug her nails into her brothers skin.

He yelped from the pain she gave him and she ran right to Ian only to kick him back down.

I ran to them and by the last second I pulled jade by her waist right before he was going to receive a nice blow to his left cheek.

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