Chapter 10 - the prophocey

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Ravenpaw watched as all the cats crowded around the fallen tree. Ravenpaw looked frightened on the outside, but was proud on the inside. She had aimed the small birch tree to fall on Redstar and only him, and she made sure that only a small portion of the tree fell on him. Enough for him to lose one live.

"Let me through!" shouted the medicine cat, Flowerbreeze. Her white and blacked splotched  fur was mixed with other coats of fur as she pushed throught the crowding cats. Ravenpaw couldn't see anything anymore exept for cats tails.

"Is he dead?" A cat meowed. Ravenpaw rushed forward through the cats.

"No. He is just losing a life." Flowerbreeze meowed. 

Ravenpaw sighed with relief. Her plan was to slowly kill off all of Redstars lives, untill Ravenpaw became a warrior and had an apprentice. 

Redstar eventually got up and gasped, pain searing in him. His side was covered in blood. 

"Come on, let's get you back to camp." Lilypad meowed. She let Redstar lean on her side and Flowerbreeze was right behind.

"Finally." Ravenpaw whispered under her breath impatiently. I just want to sleep. Whitepaw, who was at the back of the crowd of cats came running to her.

"What? Did you say finally?" He whispered shocked.

How did he hear me? Ravenpaw thought. No other cat seemed to notice. "Uh...yea. Redstar finally woke up! I thought he was dead!" She mewed. 

"You sounded-"

"Well you heard me wrong." Ravenpaw snapped. She whisked around and walked to the head of the group.

Ravenpaw relaxed when she entered her den. She had been training with the dark forest, white she-cat, Heatherstone. She had learned many things about making things float. But so far, she could only nudge things. She really wanted to be able to make things move in the air.

Ravenpaw closed her eyes. But instead of waking up in the dark forest, all she saw was a field. She was sitting on a rock and when she tried to move, her paws wouldn't let her. 

She saw a black cat playing in the feild. His white forepaw trying to bat a butterfly. 

"Whitepaw!" She yelled. But he didn't notice. Then he blew away and he came back older. The sky was also darker. He was with other cats. "Come with us. Rule the clans." They said. Whitepaw nodded. Ravenpaw pricked her ears. "I will." He said. 

Then all the cats whisked away. When they were back Whitepaw was with a different cat and the sky was now brighter. The cat was blurry, but she could tell it was black. 

"I will rule the clans!" It said. 

"Never! The clans will never accept this! Good always triumphs over evil!" Whitepaw said, and they fought. Whitepaw won the battle. 

Then they all whisked away, including the field leaving Ravenpaw in darkness. 

"A cat of a clan who has suffered much pain, will shine bright as the stars above us. But if this cat is to chose the wrong path, it will cause pain to those it loves." A cat said. 

The prophecy. Ravenpaw thought. She remembered hearing Whitepaw talk about it to Moonpaw.

"But, if this cat is to meet an enemy that threatens it's clan, it will be bright and shine certainly."

Ravenpaw gasped. A new part to the prophecy!

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