Part 12

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Summary: A multi-chapter Robb Stark x Reader series.
(YN) feels like she is finally doing something worthwhile in the war, meanwhile, news arrives from the North regarding Winterfell and Robb and (YN) have the chance to leave the camp for a few days, even though it's on official duty.

Series Warning: the series will roughly follow the TV storyline, so it will not all be happy endings for Robb and the reader. The reader may or may not be paired with another character, further down the line.

Word Count: 4430

Chapter Warnings: Description of violent scenes, some slight anxiety.

 Please, feel free to drop me a message, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.

It was a cold and blustery afternoon at the Stark camp, the grey clouds hung low in the sky bringing a dreary dark light upon the surrounding countryside

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It was a cold and blustery afternoon at the Stark camp, the grey clouds hung low in the sky bringing a dreary dark light upon the surrounding countryside. The wind carried around a freezing wet mist that quickly soaked people to the bone. Even though the weather was miserable, (YN) found herself in rather good spirits as she tended to the wounded in the Stark encampment. After helping the Silent Sisters at the Battle of Oxcross, she really felt as if she was doing something worthwhile. At first, Robb hadn't been overly thrilled with the idea, but he was smart enough and wise enough to realise, that Queen or not, his wife wasn't the type to sit around and do nothing while everyone else around her did all the hard work. And while he had refused to let her partake in any battles, he could at least allow her this, besides she had proven herself quite the healer and she really seemed to have a way with the wounded soldiers, Stark and Lannisters alike. Throughout the days, she could be seen moving about the tent cleaning wounds and changing dressings, bringing much-needed comfort and smiles to the many faces in her care.

And it was no surprise that the Stark bannermen adored their Northern Queen. Yet, to see the Lannister soldiers show her just as many manners and respect only served to prove to every one of her caring and honourable nature. And her newfound duty didn't cease the moment she left the tent exhausted at the end of the day, she also found time to inspect the numerous makeshift confinements used to hold the growing number of Lannister soldiers. Many of the men she helped to heal were now amongst the prisoners and she wanted to make sure that those men along with every other were looked after to an acceptable standard.

Roose Bolton, Lord of The Dreadfort had never seen eye to eye with his King and Queen's treatment of the prisoners and argued their limited and valuable resources would be better spent if they permanently disposed of them. Though, Roose had also made it clear that he didn't want all of them dead, at least not straight away. If there were any Officers amongst the ranks, he thought it a good idea to have them flayed as a means to gain any inside knowledge, which they may or may not have in regards to Tywin Lannisters' battle plans. However, Robb had quickly shot him down, pointing out that his father had outlawed flaying in the North years ago, only to have Roose audaciously remind him that they were presently not in the North. Without even the blink of an eye, Robb replied, his voice full of warning for his vassal lord, "We're not torturing them, the Lannisters hold prisoners of their own, I won't give them an excuse to abuse my sisters." Roose did not reply, his face showing only disappointment in his Kings decision.

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