FIVE: Secrets Get Muddled

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Credit to Artist^^

" did i get you too flustered? "

secrets get muddled


Tony's POV: 

I walked down the calm morning pathways of the school gardens. I was contemplating whether or not I should've called Stephen that I knew about the secret. I didn't want to tell Loki because he was scary, plus it was his supposed crush so,

I sat down on a cement seat in an isolated part behind the school to think. Loki had a crush on either me or Stephen. I sighed into my hands and glanced around.

If it was me, what would I do? Was I gay? It would be a non-binary relationship or something right? I rubbed my forehead. It was too early for this.

I snapped my head up when I heard Thor's familiar laughter.

"It's fine Bruce, just hold onto my arms," his voice said. I stood up and hid behind a pot plant, and peeked through the leaves.

Thor was carrying Bruce bridal style towards the Medical Room. "I'm fine, Thor," Bruce complained.

"You're not fine, you almost fell down the stairs before," Thor argued. "We're almost there anyway,"

I crouched further down to hide better. They both entered the Medical Bay and disappeared. I stood up and cleared my hands of the dirt. Back to thinking.

I suddenly saw Loki about to pass. I knelt back down in a hurry and stayed silent.

"Why are you hiding behind a pot plant? he asked. 

I slowly emerged. "I...dropped a screw I had for my inventions..." I made up on the spot. "But it doesn't matter now," I awkwardly tried to cross my arms, which didn't work, so I put them on my hips.

Loki frowned but ignored it. "Well, alright," he began to walk off.

"Wait!" I called, jogging after him. I didn't know why I even called after him, I didn't have anything to say.

He slowed down but continued walking. "Yeah?" He kept looking at the ground.

I mentally scanned my brain to find out what I was going to say. "Um, how's Stephen?" I blurted out in a hurry. I regretted it the moment it left my mouth.

Loki frowned but didn't glance at me. "Why would I know how Stephen is?"

"Uh, because you've been talking to him lately?" I panicked. 

Loki shook his head. "I don't know how Stephen is," There was a pause before he did glance at me. "Why do you want to know?"

I went full on panic. "I-uh you know, friends, uh-" I spoke nonsense for the first time in a while, my face uncontrollably blushing. Why now? I couldn't let Loki know I knew what the supposed secret was, even if it was narrowed down to two people.

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