SIX: Shenanigans And Schemes

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" it's not what it looks like "

shenanigans and schemes

unlocking doors


Tony and Stephen were walking down the paths of the school gardens on the Tuesday of the second week of school.

"Okay, so I've been thinking, we should probably do something about the Loki situation," Tony began, facing Strange as they walked, doing the thing with his hands when he explains things.

"So have I," Stephen replied calmly.

"You do? Did you agree with me? I practically had a whole speech ready-" 

Stephen cut him off. "Yes, but we must act. Do you have a plan?" he kept his eyes on the path.

Tony, being a lot shorter than Stephen, has to do quick steps to keep up with him. "Well, sort of. The chances of him opening up to us are we need to do some sneaking,"

"Isn't that invading privacy?" 

Tony shrugged. "Have you a better idea?"

Stephen sighed. "We just need to found out which one of us it is,"

"Who does he get flustered the most with?" Tony thought out loud.

Stephen frowned at him. "You get flustered with everyone,"

Tony's cheeks glowed. "No, I don't!"

Stephen shook his head and faced the path again. "What happened? You used to be the most popular kid at school, carefree and...stupid,"


"But you've changed,"

"You noticed?" Tony asked, slowing down.

"Of course, I notice everything Stark, even when you blush in front of everyone," he smirked, not making eye-contact.

Tony realized he'd fallen behind. He jogged back up to him. "I do not blush with everyone," he insisted.

"Really?" Stephen made a gesture to his face. "What about now,"

"Well, that's because you're making me?" Before Tony could restate his poorly worded comment, Stephen spoke.

"I made you blush? Isn't that how it normally works?" Stephen raised his eye-brow, still not making contact.

Tony gave a short huff. "Yes, but I worded it wrong. You're making the situation into a big deal. Anyways, it doesn't matter, we need a plan to find out which one of us it is,"

Stephen thought for a moment. "We could keep him busy and we could enter his locker and see if there's anything,"

Tony shrugged. "That's not bad. I can get Thor to distract him for a bit, and then I'll hack it open,"

Stephen nodded. "Alright, deal," 

"I'll do it during recess," Tony said, as he stopped walking, and Stephen continued inside the school.

Tony sighed and waited for one of his friends to come along and accompany him inside. No one was turning up. His eyes widened as he spotted someone, but freaked out when he realized it was Loki. 

He panicked and hid behind the stone stair rails as he walked by. After Loki luckily didn't turn up the stairs, Tony stood up and sighed.

"What on earth are you doing?" Steve patriotic voice said behind him.

Together || 𝙼𝙲𝚄 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑-𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝙰𝚄 ~ 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝟏Where stories live. Discover now