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It only took Bailey and I a few minutes to find a car

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It only took Bailey and I a few minutes to find a car. It was parked on the side of the road, right in front of a house. It didn't look like it had been moved in a few days, and there wasn't anything in it, so I checked the door handle and it wasn't locked, so we hopped in and it thankfully started up using the keys that were tucked into the visor. I checked the gas and since it had about half a tank of gas in it, we began to head back to the boat. 

After collecting all the supplies I had left on the boat, along with all of the supplies that were on the boat to begin with (flares, a med kit, maps, a compass, sleeping bags, and the rest of the bottled water) I drove the old minivan back to the house. It was very quiet here. The house, which was large enough to hold Rick's family, myself, our parents, Shane and what ever girlfriend he had at the time, and Ashton, the one time he came, was now so silent that it made me feel uncomfortable. 

The bedroom that I used to use in the west wing of the house, was thankfully clean. They apparently hadn't had anyone rent the house in a few days, maybe someone was supposed to be coming, but the room I was used to had new sheets with individually wrapped soaps on the pillow waiting to be used. It was almost dinner time by the time I had brought everything in from the van (it made me uncomfortable to leave everything in it, in case someone stole my supplies) so I set out some food for Bailey, and then decided to see if the shower was working since the one on the boat used salt water and I felt grimy from the salt drying in my hair. 

Thankfully, the water was still running, so after a quick shower, where I left the door open, as well as the curtain, just in case I needed to kill a dead person, or someone broke in, I went back into the kitchen and pulled out the last meal I had prepared from the perishables. It was a hard boiled egg and a salad which didn't take me long to eat, and I found myself going to bed hungry for the first time. But, if things continue this way, with no one around and the world ending, I suppose I'll be going to bed hungry more often. 

That night I slept with my knife in my hand, and my gun under the pillow with Bailey at my feet. I was nervous so I didn't sleep well, but I did sleep which was a success. When I woke up though, Lori, Carl, and Shane were still not here. They said if they weren't here by day four I should come find them, and it is day four, but should I wait longer? I decided to wait until mid-day, and if they weren't here by the time I finished eating lunch, I would begin the drive to Atlanta. 

I spent the morning digging through the house, looking for any kind of supplies. I was only able to find soaps, and no food. So, about an hour before I planned to leave I started packing the car up with my supplies again, and pulled out a can of chicken noodle soup for my lunch. When mid-day came and went and it was approaching closer to three in the afternoon, I decided it was time to go. I heaved myself up from the couch and went out to the car, strapped Bailey into the passenger seat, and then we were off. Heading down I-95, hoping that we would make it there before dinner time. Maybe I would be able to see my brother before I went to sleep tonight. 

Just five more hours. Five more hours until I will see my family. Five more hours until I'll be safe. 

**Edited Feb. 1, 2020**

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