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"Listen up everyone the bombs are located at Morpin High School, but, the problem is, that the bombs are scattered all over the place and this school is big."

"Do you have a rough idea of how many there is?" 

"I'm pretty sure that the bombs are each in the departments that the school has, that also includes the canteen, which means we have to spread out." 

"In total there are nine departments sir excluding the canteen and the sports hall."

"We only have one hour. As soon as we step into the school the timer will start. The teachers are alarmed about this, we need to keep the students safe. If we are not able to find all the bombs after half an hour, we have to escort everyone out of the building to safety. Is that understood?" RM, the head officer says to the rest of the agents.

"YES, SIR!"  The phone suddenly rings and RM places a finger on his lips signaling everyone to stay quiet. He answers the phone and waits patiently on the other side of the line.

"I see you have really planned this out well. I'm impressed officer RM."

"Listen here, once we find every bomb, I will find you bastard!" 

"I will like to see you try." He hangs up the phone and RM throws the phone across the room in frustration.

"Let's go." 


They arrive in front of the school building, each officer takes a deep breath knowing that their lives are at great risks. 

"We can do this everyone," RM reassures the others.

As soon as they step one foot inside, they all hear a loud beep echoing throughout the school. The officers spread out in their groups to each department. RM is alone with a gun in his hand. The principal runs towards RM with a worried look.

"Ma'am, do not worry, my best men are at work. After half an hour, please escort everyone out from this building to safety." The principal nods vigorously at RM.

"Sir one bomb has been diffused." RM hears a voice on the radio.

"Great work."

"Sir another has been diffused." 

Slowly, one by one, each officer informs RM over the radio that the bombs have been diffused. RM was satisfied with the results, but, he had an uneasy feeling.

"Why is this too easy? Something is not right?" He tells himself.

"You are right RM." A voice booms through the radio, RM 's eyes widen with shock.

"Of course this is too easy. You think too simple."

"Where are the rest of the bombs?"

"Why should I tell you? That would ruin the fun."

"Don't you care at all about the innocent lives that you are going to destroy? There are young students here. Why did you plant bombs in a school?!"

"Awww, someone is a bit sensitive. Good luck finding the others."

"WAIT! YOU SICK BASTARD!" RM screams over the radio. He stomps his foot in anger.

A timer suddenly appears on the TV that is in the school's reception. There are only 25 minutes left.

"Everyone, get the students and teachers out from the school right now!"

Soon, the building had students gathering around the reception. Students were getting out of the building one by one. However, RM looks at the screen and the time was decreasing quick. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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