Nagisa's coming out

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Nagisa kisses Honoka goodbye heading home 'What am I going to said will they still accept me even if I'm bisexual' Nagisa thought as she enters her house knowing that tomorrow is Saturday she decides to tell her family first an then do her math homework walking to her room putting her bag down and heading to the living room where her mom dad and brother were "I have something to tell you guys" Nagisa said getting nervous "I'm bisexual" Nagisa said as Rie fainted Takashi catches her mom Takeshi looks at Nagisa "You're kidding right" Takashi said "No I'm not kidding" Nagisa said "You must be you know how we feel about that group" Takashi said "I couldn't deny  that I love girls and boys I've known for a long time but I didn't want to tell you but I'm telling you now because I love Honoka" Nagisa said "You will not love another girl you will only love men" Takashi said now raising his voice "No I won't I love Honoka and you can't change that" Nagisa said holding back her tears as she ran to her room and locked the door and started crying "Nagisa...~Mepo" Mepple said worried about his friend "I knew it would end up like this" Nagisa said as she heard a knock on the door "Nagisa it's me Ryouta" Ryouta said as Nagisa opens the door and Ryouta walks in "Are you okay" Ryouta asked "I knew it would end up this way" Nagisa said "I'll be fine you should get some sleep Okay" Nagisa said taking Ryouta to his room laying him in bed and tucking him in as Takashi comes in with Rie "Stay away from him" Rie said running to Ryouta and pushing Nagisa away from him "Ryouta goodnight" Nagisa said walking out going to her room trying to stop crying "Nagisa let's get one thing clear you will not go anywhere near Ryouta" Rie said with a firm look on her face "And if you do you will be punished" Takashi said with a disgusted look on his face as they both walked out Nagisa cries herself to sleep

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