Getting ready for the baby

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7 months later Nagisa and Honoka wakes up " Good morning Honoka" Nagisa said getting up "We should probably make breakfast before Hikari wakes up" Nagisa said "Yeah we want the baby to be healthy" Honoka said getting up and walking to the kitchen with Nagisa "Good Morning Ryouta" Nagisa said "What are you making" Honoka asked "I'm making breakfast" Ryouta said "Okay the baby is due any day now" Nagisa said "Yes she is" Hikari said walking in and sitting down "So what's for breakfast" Hikari asked "We have eggs and bacon" Ryouta said as he put the eggs and bacon on four plates and handed one to Hikari Nagisa and Honoka "Let eat" Nagisa said as she Honoka Hikari and Ryouta ate the food "The food was great Ryouta" Nagisa said as she and Honoka got up and went into the bedroom and got dressed and Ryouta and Hikari got dressed "Any day now" Hikari said "and I can't wait for that day" Ryouta said kissing Hikari

Nagisa and Honoka walks out of the room and Ryouta and Hikari walks out of the room "So Hikari want do you want to do" Nagisa asked "Have a baby" Hikari said "Any day" Honoka said "lets just enjoy the beautiful weather outside" Nagisa said as they went outside and sat on the porch "Give me the prism stones" Pozini said as she appeared out of nowhere "Nagisa" Honoka said standing up "Yeah let's do it"Nagisa said standing up as she holds Honoka's hand "Duel Auroua Wave" Honoka and Nagisa said "Emissary of Light Cure Black" Black said "Emissary of Light Cure White" White said "We are Pretty Cure" Black and White said " Evil beings of darkness" White said "Return to the darkness from which you came" Black said "Zakkena" Pozini said Black and White starts fighting "Why aren't you transformed" Pozini said as she started to charge at Hikari "Hikari" Black and White said "Black go" White said as Black tries to leave but the Zakkena stops her

 "Transform~Popo" Porun said "Hikari Transform the light will repelle her back" Black and White said "Luminous Shining Stream" Hikari said "Sparking life Shiny Luminous the wills of heart and life may they all become one" Luminous said as Pozini gets closer to her "White let's do it" Black said "Okay" White said "Black thunder" Black said "White thunder" White said "Our beautiful souls" White said "Shall crush your evil heart" Black said "Precure Marble Screw Max" Black and White said as the Zakkena disappers black and white goes over to Luminous "Luminous Heartlie action" Luminous said as rainbows freeze Pozini and a surge of energy goes forward to Black and White "Rising Courage" Black said "Overflowing hope" White said "With the embrace of sparkling light" Luminous said "Extreme" Black and White said " Luminario" Luminous said as Pozini went back to the dark zone as Black White and Luminous detransformed  as Hikari's water broke "You guys  I think the baby's coming" Hikari said "We need to get you to a hospital now" Nagisa said as they got Hikari in the car and drove to the hospital Ryouta got out of the car and ran into the hospital 

"My girlfriend is having a baby" Ryouta told the nurse and the nurse came out to the car with a wheelchair and Nagisa helped Hikari on the wheel chair and the nurse takes her into the hospital into the delivery room and Ryouta puts her on the table and after parking the car Nagisa and Honoka goes into the hospital "My friend is having a baby" Nagisa said "Name" the receptionist asked "Hikari Kujou" Nagisa said "Your names" the receptionist asked "Nagisa Misumi and Honoka Yukishiro" Nagisa said "We can only let family members in" the receptionist said "We are family my brother is the father" Nagisa said "Okay they are in room 149" the receptionist said "Oh and don't let Rie and Takashi Misumi in" Nagisa said as she and Honoka went to room 149 and went in the room "now give me two big pushes" the doctor said as Hikari does two more big pushes "okay now one more push" the doctor said and Hikari does one more push and delivers a baby girl " What are you going to name her" Nagisa asked "we got in" Rie said "what are you guys doing here" Ryouta asked "leave now" Nagisa said  "please leave" Hikari said "fine" Rie said walking out with Takashi "so Hikari what are you going to name her Nagisa asked "We are going to name her Hoshi Misumi" Hikari said "that's the perfect name"                       Nagisa said 

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