Planning the wedding

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"Yeah I figured I would be" Nagsia said "But that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun before that" Honoka whispers in Nagisa's ear making Nagisa's eyes widen as she smiled "I would love to have some fun but I don't think you're ready" Nagisa said knowing what happened to Honoka "Nagisa I'll be fine" Honoka said "You say that but when you start you feel scared and the memories of what happened come back" Nagisa said "I wish I could have stop it from happening to you Nagisa" Honoka said "I was upset I was a mess during that time but when it happened I snapped out in a instant I was frozen I couldn't move" Nagisa said "That's why I'm not having fun with you we'll take it slow like we did back then" Nagisa said "You make it sound like it was a long time ago it was only five years" Hikari said

"Are you telling me someone raped you" Ryouta said "Ryouta don't do it not again" Nagisa said "I will do it because he needs to learn not to mess with my family" Ryouta said "Ryouta your room now" Nagisa said pulling Ryouta into his room "Nagisa you're not okay I know why you were cussing it's because you didn't want what happened to you to happen to Honoka" Ryouta said "But it did anyway and if it happened to me again I still have nightmares about it but Ryouta don't go if you have another seizure I don't know if I could handle that I mean I'm on the verge of having a breakdown but don't tell Honoka but if anything happened to you guys I would really just have a breakdown so please don't do anything please" Nagisa said "Okay I won't" Ryouta said asked they walked out

The next day Honoka wakes up and gets dressed but Nagisa is still in bed thinking "Nagisa what's wrong" Honoka asked "It's nothing I'm fine just thinking" Nagisa said "I'll ask you again" Honoka said "What are you thinking about" Honoka asked "I was thinking about you" Nagisa said "I won't pressure you into telling me" Honoka said walking to Sanae's crib and giving her a bottle "You're worried about me Honoka" Nagisa said "I am but you won't tell me anything" Honoka said "When I'm ready we'll talk okay" Nagisa said "No you're hurting right now and I want to help you" Honoka said "Okay I was thinking about when it happened" Nagisa said as Honoka puts burps Sanae and puts her in her crib and lays next to Nagisa and hugs her "What about your meeting" Nagisa asked "I don't care you're more important than a meeting" Honoka said "No go to the meeting Hikari is here so go we have to get back to our lives now Okay" Nagisa said kissing Honoka as Honoka got up and left for work

A few hours later Nagisa gets up and gets dressed and walks to Ryouta's and Hikari's room and knocks on the door "Hikari can I come in" Nagisa asked as Hikari opens the door and looks up Nagisa could tell she had been crying "What's wrong" Nagisa asked walking in "I don't know I just started crying" Hikari said through the lump in her throat "Hikari you're worried about Ryouta" Nagisa said sitting down next to Hikari "What if something happens" Hikari said "It's okay nothing is going to happen" Nagisa said doubtfully "You don't even believe that Nagisa~Mepo" Mepple blurted out "I'm always going to have doubts because he's my brother but nothing's going to happen" Nagisa said "But next year you can be with him at school again okay and Honoka and I are thinking about going to grad school" Nagisa said

Ryouta comes back after school "Ryouta come here real quick" Nagisa said as Ryouta walks in her room "What's up" Ryouta said "How are you" Nagisa asked "I'm good and ready for graduation" Ryouta said "Yeah your graduation at least will be a good experience" Nagisa said "I wish I could have been there" Ryouta said "You were in spirit Ryouta" Nagisa said "But Hikari was really worried about you she was crying this morning" Nagisa said "Okay I'll talk to her" Ryouta said "Okay" Nagisa said "Are you okay" Ryouta asked "Yeah I'm fine" Nagisa said as Honoka walks in "Don't lie" Honoka said "Honoka I'm fine Ryouta go talk to Hikari" Nagisa said as Ryouta went to his room "Hikari" Ryouta said finding her asleep on the bed he kisses her on the cheek seeing the blood on her shirt where she was shot "Hikari wake up" Ryouta said "Nagisa" Ryouta yells as Nagisa and Honoka runs to them "Ryouta what's wrong" Nagisa said "Her wound is bleeding" Ryouta said "Porun we need her to transform it might keep her alive until we get to the hospital" Honoka said "Hikari wake up~Popo" Porun said "Guys I think it's the end of the road for me" Hikari said weakly "Hikari stay awake for me please Hikari don't leave me" Ryouta said as tears stream down his face "Hikari transform so we can get you to the hospital" Nagisa said "Okay I'll try Luminous shining stream" Hikari said gasping for breath "Hikari" Ryouta said now crying "Honoka" Nagisa said as she holds Honoka's hand "Duel Aurora Wave" Nagisa and Honoka said as they transformed into Cure Black and Cure White "Hikari stay with us" White said as Black picked Hikari up and ran outside and jumps from building to building and gets to the hospital and detransforms and walks in "My friend needs help it's an emergency" Nagisa said and The doctor comes out and checks her pulse "Get her on a gurney" The doctor said as they take Hikari into surgery Ryouta and Honoka runs in "Nagisa" Ryouta said "Ryouta she's in surgery " Nagisa said as Ryouta starts praying that the surgery goes well and Nagisa hugs him

2 hours later Hikari comes out of surgery and Nagisa Honoka and Ryouta goes to Hikari's hospital room "Hikari I'm so glad that you're okay" Ryouta said "We are glad that you're okay because we all were really worried about you" Nagisa said "Yeah because we are family so one time untransformed" Honoka said "Yeah" Hikari said "Rising courage" Nagisa said "Overflowing hope" Honoks said "Embrace in the sparkling light" Hikari said "We don't do it regular we do it" Nagisa said " Max" Hikari and Honoka said "Guys but I have something to tell you" Hikari said "What is it" Ryouta asked "I have to have a trans-Never mind it doesn't matter" Hikari said "Hikari finish what you were saying" Nagisa said "I have to have a heart transplant" Hikari said "The shot was at my heart that's why I passed out so I need to have it as soon as possible before my heart gives out" Hikari said "I have a day to tell them if I'm going to do it or not" Hikari said

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