Valentine's Day flashback

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"Good morning Nagisa" Honoka said getting up and getting ready for school "Good morning Honoka" Nagisa said still laying in bed "Happy Valentine's Day" Nagisa said "Happy Valentine's Day Nagisa" Honoka said kissing Nagisa as Nagisa got up and got dressed in her uniform as they walked to school "Hey Nagisa Honoka" Shiho said walking up to them with Rina "Hey guys" Nagisa said "Happy Valentine's Day" Shiho and Rina said "Happy Valentine's Day" Nagisa and Honoka said "I'm kinda sad thinking about our last year playing lacrosse" Rina said "Yeah but we also get to help first years and go out with a bang" Nagisa said "Let's get to class before we're late" Honoka said "Where's Hikari" Shiho asked "Yesterday she wasn't feeling well turned out she had a fever Nagisa and I were going to check on her after school and bring her work" Honoka said as they went to class the classes went on until school was over Nagisa walks to Hikari's classes and gets the work she missed

Then Nagisa and Honoka walks to Akane's house and walks inside to Hikari's bedroom and knocks on the door "Come in" Hikari said as they walked in "Hey Hikari how are you feeling" Honoka asked "I feel better than I did this morning" Hikari said "I got the work you missed she said you could take as long as you need" Nagisa said "Thank you Nagisa" Hikari said "We'll let you rest" Honoka said "Actually can you guys stay just until Akane gets back from Takō Café" Hikari asked "Of course we can Hikari" Honoka said

"Well how about when we get better we'll go to the amusement park" Nagisa said "Yeah I'll like that" Hikari said "Let's let her get some rest Nagisa" Honoka said "Yeah you should Hikari" Nagisa said "Okay" Hikari said falling back asleep "You guys are like her parents~Mipo" Mipple said "Yeah you do everything parents would do~Mepo" Mepple said "We're just very fond of Hikari" Nagisa said "Now let her rest" Nagisa added

An hour later Hikari wakes up "Honoka went to make you some soup" Nagisa said "Okay can you pass me the work I missed" Hikari said as Nagisa passed it Hikari as Hikari did her work and finished it as she handed it to Nagisa and Nagisa set it on the desk as Honoka comes in with the soup in and bowl and hands it to Hikari as Hikari eats it "Thank you for the soup" Hikari said "You're welcome" Honoka said "Do you have anyone you like" Nagisa asked "No but this boy keeps coming up to me but I ignore him" Hikari said in a monotone "Is something wrong" Honoka asked "No not at all" Hikari said smiling "Okay we'll come check on you tomorrow" Nagisa said hearing the door open and sees her brother "Hey Hikari" Ryouta said not seeing Nagisa and Honoka "Ryouta what are you doing here" Nagisa asked "Umm I came because you told me you were coming to see Hikari so I came so I could see you" Ryouta said "Well you wouldn't have to go through all that trouble if mom and dad weren't so stubborn" Nagisa said as Ryouta looks down "What's wrong Ryouta" Honoka asked "Nothing" Ryouta said "Actually can you stay with Hikari until Akane comes back" Nagisa asked "Sure we'll see you tomorrow Hikari" Honoka said "Okay bye" Hikari said as Nagisa and Honoka went back to Honoka's house "How are you feeling" Ryouta asked "I'm feeling better" Hikari said "You didn't tell her" Hikari said "It would've hurt her so much and I didn't want to ruin her first Valentine's Day with Honoka as a couple" Ryouta said "I get it but you need to tell her before she finds out" Hikari said "I know" Ryouta said kissing Hikari's forehead "Thank you for not telling her" Ryouta said "You have to tell her it's not my place to tell her" Hikari said "Happy Valentine's Day Hikari" Ryouta said kissing her

Honoka and Nagisa kisses each other getting in bed hugging each other "Honoka I love you" Nagisa said as they fell asleep

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