What's happening?!!

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"I know I'm doing it because I need to do this for me if I don't I'll breakdown" Honoka said "Honoka you just need to cry I promise you'll feel better plus I love you" Nagisa said "Let's go back in" Nagisa said walking into Ryouta's room and Nagisa sees Ryouta crying "Ryouta what's wrong" Nagisa asked "I heard what you said about wanting to protect me" Ryouta said as his voice was cracking "Please don't cry I'll always protect you" Nagisa said as the doctor knocks on the door "Can I come in" the doctor asked "Yes" Honoka said as the doctor opens the door and walks in "You will have to stay in the hospital for 3-5 days so we can monitor your blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate and to get you up and walking around as soon as possible" the doctor said "Okay" Ryouta said "How long has the seizures been happening" the doctor asked "they have been happening for seven or eight months at least" Nagisa said "Or was it happening before Ryouta when I left the house in middle school and started staying with Honoka" Nagisa asked "It did start after you left but it was only a couple of times but the more you were gone and the more that they talked about y-" Ryouta started but got cut off by Nagisa "So about 8 or 9 years now" Honoka said "Yeah just about" Ryouta said "Okay so it sounds like it's a medical condition that whenever you get worked up or upset you have seizures and there isn't a lot we can do but we will give you klonopin to calm you down you should take it twice a day one in the morning and one at night" the doctor said "Okay" Ryouta said

Five days later Ryouta gets discharged from the hospital Nagisa and Honoka goes back to Nagisa's parent's house and Nagisa drives one car and Honoka drives the other car home Nagisa and Honoka gets out of the car as Honoka holds Sanae and walks inside "Hey you guys are back" Ryouta said "Yeah we had to make a stop" Nagisa said as Honoka walks into the bedroom and changes Sanae and starts breastfeeding her as Nagisa walks in "You're a pro now Honoka" Nagisa said "You always say that whenever I do well at something" Honoka said as Sanae falls asleep and Honoka puts her in her crib "Honoka how are you feeling"Nagisa asks "I feel good" Honoka said "Truth" Nagisa said "I'm hungry and we can talk about this tonight" Honoka said "Okay I'll stay in here I'm not that hungry right now" Nagisa said "Nagisa she'll be fine" Honoka said "I'm going to stay here" Nagisa said "Okay" Honoka said as she put her top back on and walked into the kitchen and ate "Honoka where's Nagisa" Ryouta asked "She in the bedroom with Sanae" Honoka said "I go talk to her" Ryouta said as he got up and walked into Nagisa's room and walks in "Nagisa you're scared that they might kidnap Sanae again" Ryouta said seeing Nagisa laying on her stomach softly crying "I'm fine Ryouta" Nagisa said quickly wiping her tears and sitting on the bed "Just because you wipe the tears doesn't mean I can't see the pain in your eyes" Ryouta said "Ryouta I'm fine" Nagisa said "You keep saying that but you're lying to me" Ryouta said "Do you want me to say that I'm scared out of my mind that they might kidnap Sanae again and I won't be able to get to her in time that I might go down that dark path I went down before" Nagisa said

"Nagisa..." Honoka said listening to the conversation with everyone "That won't happen" Ryouta said "You don't know that you don't know what I'm capable of when I'm not in the right state of mind" Nagisa said "Honoka what is she capable of doing" Ryouta asked looking outside the door "We shouldn't be talking about this because it's not going to happen you promised Nagisa that you wouldn't do that again" Honoka said "Okay hypothetically if it happens you know what I would do Honoka you know how far down I would go how much pain to myself I would cause how depressed I would get" Nagisa said walking out of the room and walking outside and leaving "She said she wouldn't do it" Honoka said

"Don't fight~Mipo" Mipple said "I can't guarantee that we won't fight this time" Honoka said "Nagisa you shouldn't fight with Honoka~Mepo" Mepple said "this is one fight that will happen no matter what" Nagisa said "Nagisa I know you're scared but you can't do it again~Mepo" Mepple said "Time to go to sleep" Nagisa said as she took out the sleep card and inserted it and put Mepple to sleep in her pocket and kept walking trying to keep her mind clear of the thoughts she was having and then she just broke down in tears and fell to her knees and started praying that the thoughts she was having would go away

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