Finally Safe

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"Honoka I'm home" Nagisa said walking to the bedroom "Nagisa Hi" Honoka said kissing Nagisa "You got home early today" Honoka said "yeah I'm going to see Ryouta" Nagisa said knowing Honoka doesn't want her to go "Why don't you just call him and have him come here" Honoka said "I have to go see him he said it was important" Nagisa said "Okay" Honoka said followed by "I'm coming with you" Honoka added

"Okay let's go" Nagisa said getting into the car with Honoka driving to her parents house and gets out of the car and walks to the door and freezes in front of the door "Nagisa...~Mepo" Mepple said seeing her frozen at the door "Nagisa it will be okay" Honoka said holding Nagisa's hand as Nagisa knocks on the door and Rie opens the door "What are you doing here" Rie said in a disgusted tone "I'm here to see Ryouta" Nagisa said

"You're not allowed near him I'm calling the police" Rie said as she called the police within 15 minutes the police man was there "what seems to be the problem" the policeman asked "I'm here to see my brother" Nagisa said "I don't even know you" Rie said "I'll just call him let's go Honoka" Nagisa said walking away "Wait Nagisa" Ryouta said rushing outside "Hey Ryouta what did you want to tell me" Nagisa asked

"I have a girlfriend now and she's you know" Ryouta said "congrats Ryouta how many months" Nagisa asked "2 months" Ryouta said "That's great Ryouta" Honoka and Nagisa said "Ryouta get away from that stranger" Rie says pulling Ryouta away "Stop this is why she left" Ryouta said "And don't even think of coming to the hospital when the baby is born" Rie said

"I'll come back Ryouta see you later" Nagisa said walking back to the car with Honoka getting in the car with Honoka 'I felt like crying hearing what my mother said' Nagisa thought "Nagisa are you okay" Honoka asked as Nagisa shook her head saying no "Want to see Hikari" Honoka asked "Sure" Nagisa said looking at Ryouta "You can't decide who comes to the hospital" Ryouta said running inside to his room locking the door as he starts to pack

Nagisa starts to drive to Akane's shop and parks and gets out of the car and walk to a table and sits down with Honoka looking down "Nagisa Honoka" Hikari said "Hi Hikari" Honoka said as Nagisa waves "She got some good news and her mom said something that upset her" Honoka "Nagisa let's play~Popo" Porun said jumping on her lap "I don't feel like playing Porun" Nagisa whispers "Nagisa...~Mepo" Mepple said "Nagisa picks up Porun and hands him to Hikari and gives Honoka the car keys and Mepple as she starts to walk away

"Nagisa! Wait" Honoka said as Nagisa turned around "Honoka I'm just going to go for a walk I'll be back later okay" Nagisa said "I want to come with you~Mepo" Mepple said "I just wanna to be alone right now" Nagisa said walking away as tears starts streaming down her face "Nagisa...she's hurting~Mepo" Mepple said "I know I can feel it" Honoka said as Ryouta finishes packing and unlocks the door and leaves the house leaving a note

Walking towards Nagisa's house as Nagisa looks up a sees Ryouta "Ryouta...did you run away again" Nagisa asked "No this time I left a note" Ryouta said looking at a Nagisa "Have you been crying" Ryouta asked "Yeah sometimes I can't help it when mom said that it just hurt" Nagisa said "I'm sorry" Ryouta said "I'll be fine" Nagisa said walking with Ryouta home as Honoka drives up "Nagisa Ryouta" Honoka said "You couldn't stay away" Nagisa said "We just wanted to make sure that you were okay" Hikari said "Everyone did" Honoka said as Nagisa and Ryouta got in the car "Nagisa...~Mepo" Mepple whispers "I'll be fine" Nagisa whispers back to Mepple

"We're here" Honoka said as everyone got out of the car and Nagisa grabs Mepple and walks inside "Hikari are you staying over" Honoka asked "Yeah" Hikari said "I'll set up the guest room and put clean sheets on your bed Ryouta" Honoka said "Okay" Hikari and Ryouta said "Let's play Nagisa~Popo" Porun said "What was that" Ryouta said "Go ahead and tell him" Honoka said "Okay" Nagisa said

"That was Porun" Nagisa said putting down Mepple as he transforms into his pixie form "I'm Mepple warrior of light~Mepo" Mepple said "Honoka I feel a dark presence~ Mipo" Mipple said "Nagisa I feel it too~Mepo" Mepple said "Transform~Popo" Porun said "I'm scared~Lulu" Lulun said jumping into Hikari's arms

"Nagisa" Honoka said "We haven't done this in a while" Nagisa said taking Honoka's hand "Duel Aurora wave" Nagisa and Honoka said "Emissary of light Cure Black" Black said "Emissary of light Cure White" White said "We are Pretty Cure" Black and White said "Evil beings of darkness" White said "Return to the darkness from which you came" Black said "Luminous shining stream" Hikari said "Sparkling life Shiny Luminous the wills of heart and life may they all become one" Luminous said

"Give us the prism stones" Poizini said "come down Zakkena" Poizini said Black and White started fighting the zakkena "Luminous now" Black said "Luminous heartile action" Luminous said "Black thunder" Black said "White thunder" White said "Our beautiful souls" White said "Shall crush your evil heart" Black said "Precure marble screw Max" Black and White said

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