The day after the funeral

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The next day Nagisa stays in bed "Nagisa come on you have to wake up" Setsuna said as Nagisa puts the covers over her head as they hear a knock on the door and Honoka opens the door revealing Hikaru Hikari's little brother "Hi Hikaru" Honoka said "What brings you here" Honoka asked "I'm here to talk to Nagisa" Hikaru(MHP) said "I'll get her" Honoka said as she went to get Nagisa "Nagisa Hikaru(MHP) wants to talk to you" Honoka said as Nagisa turns away and pulls the covers over her face again "No your not doing this again get up Nagisa now" Honoka said pulling the covers off Nagisa "Honoka put the covers back on" Nagisa said "Get up" Honoka said "No" Nagisa said "Stop fighting~Mipo" Mipple said "Nagisa get out of the bed now" Honoka said "No I'm not getting out of bed now please leave Honoka" Nagisa said "It's not your fault" Honoka said "Please leave Honoka tell Hikaru(MHP) I'm not feeling well please just leave" Nagisa said "No" Honoka said "Can we have the room" Honoka said "Sure" Nozomi said as everyone left Honoka and Nagisa "You're going to talk to him I don't want to hear anything no's but's or why's you're talking to him and that's final" Honoka demands "Yeah I'm leaving" Nagisa said walking out past Hikaru (MHP) as Nagisa walks out she turns around and says "I'll be back" as she walks out and takes a walk

2 hours later Nagisa comes back and Hikaru(MHP) stops her "We need to talk" Hikaru (MHP) said "I'm not in the mood to talk" Nagisa said "We're talking" Hikaru (MHP) said "And I wasn't in the mood to see my sister dead so we both are talking now" Hikaru (MHP) said as Nagisa walks away "Hikari would want you to be happy" Nagisa said before going into the bedroom and laying on the bed and pulling the covers over her face "Get out of bed Nagisa and talk to Hikaru (MHP) now Nagisa" Honoka said "I can't" Nagisa said "Everytime I try to get myself together and try to talk about Hikari I can't because I'm the reason she's dead I should have died that day Ryouta would be happy and Hikari would be alive" Nagisa said "Try" Honoka said as Nagisa got up and went to the kitchen "I wanted to say that this wasn't your fault it was just Hikari being Hikari you couldn't have stopped her from doing it" Hikaru (MHP) said "I wish I could believe that but I can't" Nagisa said walks back to the bedroom and getting in bed and pulls the covers over her head and silently cries "please leave Honoka I want to be alone" Nagisa said "I'll leave Mepple and Mipple" Honoka said setting them on the bed and walking out of the bedroom "Nagisa~Mepo" Mepple said "Mepple let's wait until she's ready to talk~Mipo" Mipple said "Nagisa I know this hurts you because you blame yourself~Mepo But you can't stay in bed for a month again because Ryouta needs you even though Honoka is trying to stay strong she needs you too and so does Porun and Lulun~ Mepo Nagisa please try I know it hurts but try~ Mepo" Mepple said "I can't not this time" Nagisa whispers

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