The wedding

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"Nagisa!!!~Mepo" Mepple said in his cell phone form crying "She did this for me she didn't tell us because she knew I would be worried" Honoka said "Honoka it's going to be okay" Miyuki said "Nagisa is gone" Honoka said as another note fell out of Nagisa's pocket and Honoka reads it as a ring falls on the ground and she picks it up " Just in case I don't make it to tomorrow say the words Honoka" Honoka said getting the ring "I Honoka Yurishiro take you Nagisa Misumi to have and to hold till death do us part" Honoka said putting the ring on Nagisa's finger as she looks back at the letter and reads the rest of it "I'm sorry for not telling you how badly I was hurt somedays I didn't even want to think about what would happen if I got whipped again so I just didn't I'm sorry I'm not there for you Honoka but all our friends are so please keep smiling for me I really don't like it when you're sad and Mepple take care of her for me now if I write anymore I'm going to start crying but I'm still writing Honoka don't forget even when I'm gone we are connected through Mepple and Mipple no matter what we will be connected I really don't want to wake you I'm writing this while you're asleep you know what I'm going to say now so there's no point in writing it everyone take care of Honoka for me and what ever you do don't leave her alone tell Ryouta and Hikari never stop loving each other and if my parents come back just don't let them do anything Honoka I love you" Honoka said tears streaming down her face as Nagisa woke up "I'm sorry for making you cry" Nagisa said wiping Honoka's tears "Nagisa" Honoka said hugging Nagisa "Did you read my notes" Nagisa asked "Yes I did" Honoka said as Nagisa looked at her finger and took off the ring "So let's get married" Nagisa said "Yeah let's get married" Honoka said standing up as Nagisa stood up "I feel sick" Honoka said holding her stomach "are you okay maybe we should go to the doctor" Nagisa said "I'm fine" Honoka said after a few hours they got ready for the rehersal dinner and Nagisa went back with Akane and went to sleep

The next day Nagisa and Honoka woke up and got ready and went to the church and got ready for the wedding a few hours later it was time for the wedding and Nagisa comes in first escorted by Ryouta and then she stood under the arch and then after a few minutes Honoka comes in escorted by her father and then she stood under the arch "We are gathered here today to witness the binding of two souls" the priest said "I believe the the two of you have written your own vows" the priest said "Honoka Yurishiro from the day we first met at the amusement park I knew I had feelings for you and no matter what happens we will always be connected by our beautiful souls" Nagisa said "Nagisa Misumi from the day we first met I knew you were going to be there for me no matter what and you have been when my grandmother was sick you made sure that the doctors did everything to help her and I know in my heart that we will always be connected" Honoka said "Do you Nagisa Misumi take Honoka Yurishiro to have and to hold till death do you part" The priest said "I do" Nagisa said as she puts the ring on Honoka's finger " Do you Honoka Yurishiro take Nagisa Misumi to have and to hold till death do you part" The priest said "I do" Honoka said as she puts the ring on Nagisa's finger "By the power invested in me I now pronoce you wife and wife you may kiss the bride" the priest said as Nagisa and Honoka kissed each other and walked out

The next day Honoka and Nagisa wakes up as Honoka runs into the bathroom and throws up and walks back into the bedroom "Honoka I'm taking you to the hospital" Nagisa said getting up and gets dressed "Nagisa it's nothing really" Honoka said "please for me let's go to the hospital" Nagisa said "Okay" Honoka said as she got dressed and they went to the car got in and drove to the hospital and went into the room "How may I help you" the doctor asked "My wife is sick" Nagisa said "Okay let's run some test and see what's the problem is" The doctor said "Okay" Nagisa and Honoka said after they do the tests the doctor comes back with the results "You're Pregnant" The doctor said "I am?" Honoka said "She is well that would explain the throwing up" Nagisa said "Yep the test confirms it" The doctor said as Nagisa and Honoka went to the car and drove home and went into the bedroom "Should we tell everyone the good news" Nagisa asked "Definitely" Honoka said walking out and walking to the kitchen

"Good morning did you guys just wake up" Ryouta asked "No but we just got back from the hospital" Nagisa said "Hospital why" Miyuki asked "I'm Pregnant" Honoka said "That's great news" Everyone said "Yes it is and I'm hungry so breakfast" Nagisa said "Okay but are you going to t-" Ryouta starts but Hikari covers his mouth "No I'm not" Nagisa said "B-" Ryouta starts but gets interrupted by Hikari "Let's eat" Hikari said "Yeah" Nagisa said as everyone eats "But what if t-" Ryouta starts but Hikari covers his mouth "let's not talk about that Ryouta okay" Nagisa said even though in her mind she was thinking about her parents stealing the baby "Okay" Ryouta said "So what do you guys want to do today" Nagisa asked "How about we see the cherry blossoms" Miri said "Yeah let's do that" Honoka said as they went to see the cherry blossoms "They are so beautiful this year" Saki said "Very beautiful" Nagisa said still thinking about if her parents try to steal her baby and spaces out "So how about we have a pinic" Ichika said "Yeah let's have a pinic" Honoka said looking at Nagisa "Yeah let's have a pinic" Hikari said "So Nagisa how does it feel to know that your having a baby girl or baby boy" Nozomi asked and Nagisa doesn't hear her "Nagisa" Honoka said and Nagisa snaps out of it "Huh..It feels great to  know right Honoka" Nagisa says "Right but why did you space out" Honoka said "It's nothing" Nagisa said knowing Honoka wouldn't belevie her said it anyway "We will take later Nagisa" Honoka said "Okay" Nagisa said

When they got back home they said goodbye to their friends and Nagisa and Honoka went to their room and Nagisa sat on the bed "Do we have to talk" Nagisa asked "Yes we do Nagisa" Honoka said "Why did you space out today" Honoka asked "I was thinking about if my parents would try and steal our baby" Nagisa said "They won't" Honoka said kissing Nagisa "Okay" Nagisa said hugging Honoka as Nagisa lays down on the bed "Tired" Nagisa asked "No I'm not" Honoka said laying down "are you sure you're not tired" Nagisa asked "I'm sure" Honoka said snuggling up on Nagisa "I just wanted to lay next to you" Honoka said "I love you" Nagisa said "I love you too" Honoka said

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