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Honoka's P.O.V

It's been 5 hours since Nagisa went missing I'm worried sick about her it's not like her to disappear we've been looking for her since we de-transformed I just hope we find her soon before something happens to her.

Everyone regroups at the house "Did you guys find her" Honoka asked as Ryouta shakes his head saying 'No' "Where could she be" Honoka said "Don't worry we'll find her" Miyuki said "I know we'll find her but I'm afraid that she might" Honoka started but couldn't finish "Mipple can you feel Mepple presents anywhere" Honoka asked "Not that well they must be far away~Mipo" Mipple said as Honoka walked out and looked for Nagisa

Nagisa walks up to her parents house still having a key walks in and walks to her room "Nagisa what are we doing here~Mepo" Mepple asked "Honestly I have no idea this brings back bad memories" Nagisa said "Honoka I can feel him~Mipo" Mipple said as Honoka followed her directions and walked into Nagisa's house and walks into her room "Nagisa" Honoka said hugging her "Honoka...I'm sorry for running away I just the way Mrs. Takahashi talked about us I need to think" Nagisa said "It's okay" Honoka said "Do you want to leave" Honoka asked "Can we stay here for a little while" Nagisa asked

"Okay but can I see if you're scars healed" Honoka asked "okay..." Nagisa said taking off her shirt "Nagisa why are you're scars bleeding" Honoka asked "They are always bleeding but it usually stops" Nagisa said as Honoka bandaged Nagisa's back as Nagisa puts her shirt on "Nagisa this is serious how long have they been bleeding" Honoka asked "Since they were made" Nagisa said

"I'm scared that something might happen" Honoka said "I'll go to the doctor tomorrow okay" Nagsia said "Not the scars they are healing fine I'm talking about you running off it makes me scared because I know how hard this time is for you and I know what you did the day after their funeral I was so scared that I was going to lose you and I couldn't bare the thought of that" Honoka said "Honoka you'll be fine and I'll be fine I just need to be alone" Nagsia said as she heard footsteps coming towards them "Who's in my room" Shinsetsu said as she opens the door to see Nagsia and Honoka "We were just leaving" Nagsia said leading Honoka out as Shinsetsu grabs Nagisa "You got my parents arrested" Shinsetsu said

"As I was saying were just leaving and this used to be my room I have all my best memories of Shiho and Rina in here speaking of that's why I came here I forgot my book in here" Nagsia said grabbing her Precure note book and walks out "Wait you're disgusting why can't everyone just be straight" Shinsetsu said as Nagsia just kept walking out with Honoka and walks back to their house

"Nagsia Honoka you're back" Ryouta said "Yeah" Nagsia said walking to the bedroom closing the door and laying in the bed as tears stream down her face knowing that her parents adopted a girl the same age as her in middle school "Nagsia" Honoka said knocking on the door hearing faint crying "Nagisa please open the door" Honoka said "Honoka what wrong with her" Ryouta asked "We met a girl her bag said her name was Shinsetsu" Honoka said "Oh no they met how" Ryouta said "Nagsia went back to get the Precure notebook she had left" Honoka said

"This is bad" Ryouta said "Yeah not to mention she looks just like Nagsia" Honoka said as Ryouta knocks on the door "Nagisa please open the door" Ryouta said "No I'm not opening the door just leave me alone" Nagsia said as she could feel her voice cracking "Ryouta you knew about this and you didn't tell me just please leave me alone" Nagsia said "I never thought you two would meet" Ryouta said "Just stop Ryouta I'm not opening the door for you Ryouta I'm only opening it for Honoka" Nagsia said walking to the door and opening it as Honoka walks in and closes the door and walks to the bed and hugs Nagsia

Ryouta walks away to his bedroom and holds Hoshi "Ryouta..." Hikari said walking in "I really messed up" Ryouta said "You did it to protect her and even though I knew I didn't tell her because I knew how much it would hurt her" Hikari said "She'll be mad at both of us now" Ryouta said "We'll just apologize" Hikari said "I'll get her notebook and apologize but you have to do it face to face" Hikari said as she walked to Nagisa and Honoka's bedroom and knocks on the door "Nagsia can I see your notebook for a couple minutes" Hikari asked "Sure come in the door isn't locked" Nagsia said as Hikari walked in and opened Nagisa's notebook and wrote a heartfelt apology and handed it to her

"Read it when you get the chance and let Ryouta in when he comes okay" Hikari said closing the door as she walked out "Hikari what did you do" Hana asked "I wrote Nagsia a apology in her journal that the knowledge heartile gave us" Hikari said "For what" Nao asked "I knew about Shinsetsu and I didn't tell her only because I knew she was so upset and that telling her would only upset her more" Hikari said as Ryouta walked out and walked towards Nagsia and Honoka's bedroom and knocked on the door "Come in" Nagsia said as Ryouta walked in "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about Shinsetsu I knew you would get upset and feel bad like you are now so I didn't tell you but I was trying to protect your feelings" Ryouta said and Nagsia got up to hug him "Thank you for trying to protect my feelings but we have a wedding to plan" Nagisa said

The next day they wake up and get dressed and hears a knock on the door and Ryouta gets up and answers the door "Ryouta how are you" Shinsetsu said walking in "uhh I didn't invite you in" Ryouta said "I'm sure it's fine" Shinsetsu said as the girls walk in "Hey Ryouta" Miyuki said smiling as usual as Nagsia and Honoka walk out of the bedroom and Nagsia sees Shinsetsu

"What are you doing here" Nagsia said "I came to see my little brother" Shinsetsu said "He's not your brother you're not even related to him" Nagsia said "Yes he his but I have now idea why he's here when he should be at home" Shinsetsu said "First don't come barging in someone else's house and second he's not going anywhere with you so you can show yourself out" Nagsia said "No I'm staying" Shinsetsu said "I'll just stay in this bedroom" Shinsetsu said walking towards Honoka's grandmother's room "No you won't be staying here and you're definitely not staying in that room so please leave" Nagsia said

Shinsetsu keeps walking and walks into the room "Well this needs some redecorating but it'll do" Shinsetsu said flopping on the bed "Get out" Honoka said "Honoka..." Nagsia said "Get out of my house now" Honoka demanded "No" Shinsetsu said as she started messing up the bedroom "Get out!!" Honoka screams "Nagisa" Hikari said "I know" Nagsia said "No I'm not going anywhere" Shinsetsu said "Get out of my house now!" Honoka screams "Honoka come here" Nagsia said looking at Ryouta saying 'get her out now' and Ryouta nods "Shinsetsu you need to leave now" Ryouta said "I'm older than you so I'm staying" Shinsetsu said "You need to leave now" Nagsia said walking Honoka outside "She needs to get out of her room now" Honoka said "I know just stay out here I'll handle it okay" Nagisa said kissing Honoka's cheek as she walked back in "Hikari can you stay with Honoka while I deal with our unwanted guest" Nagsia said "Sure" Hikari said walking out and sits with Honoka as Nagsia walks into the bedroom and grabs Shinsetsu's stuff and walks out and throws her stuff over the gate

"Hey!!" Shinsetsu said as Nagsia grabs her and whispers in her ear "Now you're going to clean up the room like it was before and then you're going to leave and never come back" Nagsia said "I'll just leave" Shinsetsu said "No you will clean the room and then you can leave got it" Nagsia demands "Okay I'll clean the room" Shinsetsu said walking in and cleaning Honoka's Grandmother's room and then leave "Never return" Nagsia said

"Honoka Hikari you can come back in she's gone" Nagsia said "Hmm maybe I should make them pay for that but that would mean uhh I'll withstand it just to see how mad Nagsia will get" Shinsetsu said as she sneaks in and grabs Nagsia and ties her to the chair in her bedroom and grabs Honoka and pins her to the bed "You wouldn't" Nagsia said trying to break free "Oh I will" Shinsetsu said as she locks the door as she gets on top of Honoka and Nagsia tries to break free as Shinsetsu rapes Honoka

"Honoka" Nagsia screams as she tries to break free "Nagsia" Ryouta said "Get off of her" Nagisa said trying to break free as Ryouta tries to get in but the door is locked "Hikari" Ryouta said "Luminous shining stream" Hikari said "Sparkling life Shiny Luminous the wills of heart and life my they all become one" Luminous said as she kicked down the door "Nagisa" Ryouta said running towards her "No forget me get Honoka" Nagsia said as Ryouta looked "Shinsetsu Get off of her now" Ryouta said "No" Shinsetsu said as Honoka was frozen in shock "You're free now Nagsia" Luminous said as Nagsia ran towards Honoka getting Shinsetsu off of her "Ryouta call Fujipi" Nagsia said as Ryouta calls Fujipi and he gets there "Shinsetsu you're under arrested for raping Honoka you have the right to remain silent" Fujipi said as he took Shinsetsu to jail "Guys can you leave us alone" Nagsia said "Sure" Ryouta and Hikari said

"Honoka are you okay" Nagsia asked as Honoka just stayed silent as tears stream down her face as Nagsia hugs Honoka as tears stream down her face "I couldn't protect you Honoka" Nagsia said "Nagsia can we just go to sleep" Honoka managed to get out "Okay" Nagsia replied knowing that Honoka wouldn't want to talk about what happened "Honoka I know you don't want to talk about it but maybe tomorrow we could go to therapy to talk about what happened" Nagsia suggested changing into her night clothes and Honoka changes into her night clothes replying "I would like that" as she gets in bed and falls asleep and Nagsia gets in bed and falls asleep as well

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