Saying goodbye

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The next day Nagisa and Honoka wake up to crying "Nagisa it's Ryouta" Honoka said "I know I'm afraid to go in" Nagisa explained "Nagisa~Popo" Porun said "Hikari~Popo her life force is fading~Popo" Porun said crying as Nagisa and Honoka gets dressed and goes to Ryouta and Hikari's room "Ryouta what happened" Nagisa asked "She woke up and started saying goodbye and that she loves me" Ryouta said as his voice cracked "Her life force is fading" Nagisa said "Hikari why didn't you say anything yesterday" Nagisa asked facing Hikari "I wanted to make it just a regular day" Hikari said her voice sounded weak as Hoshi starts crying because she's hungry "Ryouta go get the formula" Nagisa said as Ryouta nods going to get the formula and warm it up "Nagisa Honoka thank you for everything please take care of Ryouta and Hoshi for me" Hikari said as Ryouta comes back with the bottle and feeds Hoshi and then burps her lays her down for her nap Hikari whispers something into Nagisa's ear and then takes her last breath "Hikari~Popo" Porun said crying even harder and Lulun cries as well "I have to go" Nagisa said walking out "Where are you going" Ryouta said as his voice was cracking "Hikari wanted me to tell Nao and Miu" Nagisa said as she went to the basketball court and told Nao and Miu about Hikari "How's Ryouta doing" Nao asked "He'll be fine I hope" Nagisa said whispering that last part "You two know about his medical condition right" Nagisa asked "Yeah" Miu said "Hikari told us about Ryouta's medical condition" Nao said

Nagisa arrived back home greeted by all her friends "Well I didn't like doing that" Nagisa said "Telling Nao and Miu" Honoka said "Yeah" Nagisa said "Should we tell him" Honoka asked "Tomorrow not today" Nagisa said "If we tell him now it will speed up the process" Nagisa said "Tell him what" Akane asked "That if he gets too worked up he'll suffer from a seizure far worse than any he's had" Nagisa explains "He needs to keep his cool" Honoka said "Are you going to talk to him" Nao asked "Yeah" Nagisa said walking into Ryouta's room and sees him laying next to Hikari's body "Ryouta we need to plan the funeral you know this" Nagisa said "I miss her so much" Ryouta said crying "I know you do we all do" Nagisa said "Ryouta we need to start planning the funeral and we need to say goodbye so let's start with getting her a coffin okay" Nagisa said "Okay" Ryouta said in tears as he called and they came and put Hikari's body in a coffin and took it to the funeral home "Nagisa will I be okay" Ryouta asked as tears streams down his face "In time you will" Nagisa said hugging Ryouta as he falls asleep she lays him in bed "You'll be okay" Nagisa whispers as she walks out of the bed room "Is he okay" Honoka asked "He's sleeping but he will be in time" Nagisa said as they heard a knock on the door "Nagisa Honoka where's Hikari" Akane asked (MHP) "She passed away" Honoka said "What happened" Akane asked (MHP) "She got shot" Nagisa said "She didn't want to do the heart transplant" Honoka added "She passed away this morning not long after Honoka and I woke up" Nagisa said hearing Porun crying "Porun you're going to get us caught~Mipo" Mipple said "Do you hear crying and faint voices" Akane (MHP) asked "I'll go check" Nagisa said walking to the bedroom and picks up Porun "Don't cry Hikari would want you to be happy" Nagisa said walking back "Nagisa why did you bring him out" Honoka whispers "He isn't crying I just think he's having a hard time with Hikari's death" Nagisa whispers "Hikari would want you to know" Nagisa said "Porun" Nagisa said "No~Popo I don't want to~Popo" Porun said "He's asleep" Nagisa said "Nagisa Hikari and I were Precure" Honoka said "were?" Nagisa said "I'm not going to transform any more" Honoka said "Honoka we can't stop protecting people" Nagisa said "I've lost hope" Honoka said "We can't lose hope Honoka that's not what Hikari would want" Nagisa said

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