Therapy and Planning

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The next day Nagsia wakes up to faint crying "Honoka" Nagsia said looking at Honoka "Can we stay in bed for a while" Honoka begged as her voice was cracking "Yeah we can" Nagsia said as she heard a knock on the door immediately followed by a what are you doing here "Honoka I'll be right back okay" Nagsia said getting dressed and walking out of the bedroom seeing Shinsetsu as her anger for what Shinsetsu did to Honoka boiled up inside her "Get out" Nagsia demanded "No" Shinsetsu said "How did you even get out of jail" Ryouta said "The judge dismissed the case" Shinsetsu said "Get out now!!" Nagsia demands trying to keep herself from hurting Shinsetsu "No" Shinsetsu said "You made me watch what you did to Honoka and you're not in jail for what you did you need to leave right now before something happens" Nagsia said "Made you watch what" Hana asked "Shinsetsu raped Honoka" Ryouta whispers to the girls "Now get out" Nagsia said to Shinsetsu about ready to knock her out "No maybe I should do it again" Shinsetsu said as Nagsia charged at her only to be held back by Ryouta "Get out" Nagsia said trying to break free to knockout Shinsetsu

"Maybe I should do it now while you're restrained" Shinsetsu said tying everyone up except Ryouta and Nagsia as she walked to the bed room and gets on top of Honoka "Let me go Ryouta so I can hurt this bitch" Nagsia said knowing she hadn't cursed a day in her life  "No" Ryouta said knowing he'll retreat it as Nagsia broke free and tries to get into the bedroom but the door is locked and all she could hear was Honoka screaming in pain knowing how violated she was and how scared she was Nagisa kicks down the door and runs in and punches Shinsetsu and throws her across the gate as far as she could and went back into the bedroom

"Hon-" Nagsia started but got cut off by Honoka breaking down into tears as Honoka got dressed and ran away leaving Mipple "Honoka..." Nagsia said grabbing both Mipple and Mepple running after Honoka knowing what she was about to do "Honoka don't please just come back with me" Nagsia said seeing Honoka is getting ready to do "I'm sorry Nagsia I love you and Sanae but I can't live anymore knowing what Shinsetsu did to me goodbye" Honoka said as she started walking towards the cliff 

"Honoka don't you dare do that please don't just come back to me please Honoka" Nagsia said with tears in her eyes "I can't lose anyone else Honoka I can't lose the love of my life" Nagsia continued as Honoka walked back to Nagsia and hugs her crying "I'm sorry I'm so sorry Nagsia I don't know what made me do that" Honoka said "I know but you just scared me because you never done anything like this before so I was just scared" Nagsia said "I'm sorry Nagsia" Honoka said hugging Nagsia

When they get home Honoka goes into the guest room "Nagsia I've been meaning to ask was Sanae awake for any of that" Elena asked "Shit" Nagsia said cursing again for the second time in her life "Nagisa that's the second time today you've cursed" Ryouta said followed by "You've literally cursed two times in your life" Ryouta said "Yeah I know it's not my fault though it's just when I see something happen to Honoka I can't help it" Nagsia said

"But we put Sanae down an hour before it happened she could have woken up last night and I know she woke up this morning from all my yelling trying to get that bitch out of the house" Nagsia said "Nagsia the third time" Ryouta said "Okay for now on for every curse word I say I'll have to eat onions" Nagsia said knowing she doesn't like onions "I'm holding you to that Nagsia" Honoka said from the room "Okay" Nagisa said "But I am worried that when Sanae is older she'll remember it" Nagsia said answering Elena's question

Honoka walks out of the room and walks to the kitchen "When you're a baby you remember everything that happens I remember when I was a baby" Honoka said "So she might remember it" Nagsia said "I'm not sure maybe but she'll probably remember it" Honoka said "this might be a good time to ask where are we sleeping tonight" Nagsia asked "Can we sleep in the guest room" Honoka asked "Sure" Nagsia said

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