The Decision

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The next day Hikari wakes up at 2 o'clock in the morning "Ryouta" Hikari whispers trying not to wake Nagisa and Honoka who insisted on sleeping on the floor "Yeah Hikari" Ryouta whispers "You guys whisper really loud" Nagisa said sleepily "She's right but I've actually haven't gone to sleep" Honoka said "That's a whole conversation for when I'm fully awake but Hikari what's up" Nagisa said still not fully awake "My decision" Hikari said "What did you decide" Ryouta asked "I decided not to have the surgery" Hikari said "Why~Popo" Porun asked "Because in order for me to live someone else will die" Hikari said "Hikari we support your decision" Honoka said "N-" Porun starts but Nagisa covers his mouth "Porun we support her decision" Nagisa said "Ryouta you haven't said anything" Hikari said "He's not going to answer" Nagsia said "why not" Hikari asked "He doesn't believe that you aren't going to do the surgery" Nagisa said "But he doesn't want to show his feelings" Nagisa said "Ryouta please say something" Hikari said but Ryouta doesn't say anything "I'll talk to him" Nagisa said "But we all need to sleep" Nagisa said "She's right let's go to bed" Honoka said as Nagsia Ryouta and Hikari fall asleep and Honoka closes her eyes but doesn't fall asleep

They wake up at 9 o'clock in the morning and Honoka yawns "Did you sleep" Nagisa asked "No but we don't need to talk about that Ryouta woke up between four and five and left and he isn't back yet" Honoka said "We're still going to talk about you not sleeping but first I'm going to find Ryouta" Nagisa said getting dressed and going out to find Ryouta "I didn't actually leave I've been sitting here" Ryouta said "Thinking or praying" Nagisa asked "Both" Ryouta said "I just want to be with Hikari for the rest of my life" Ryouta said "I don't want her to go~Popo" Porun cries "We support her decision and she will always live on in our hearts" Nagisa said as Porun cries "Porun it will be okay" Nagisa said hugging Porun "Come back in" Nagisa said "Okay" Ryouta said as they went inside and walks back into the bedroom as they hear a knock on the door and Nagisa opens the door "Porun told us what happened" Coco said "Well we were going to tell you her decision" Nagisa said "What's her decision" Miyuki asked as they heard Ryouta crying "She decided not to get the heart transplant" Nagisa said "Nagisa~Mepo" Mepple said from the bedroom as Nagisa walks to the bedroom "Please do the transplant I can't live without you" Ryouta cries "Ryouta you have to calm down" Hikari said with tears in her eyes "Hikari Ryouta deep breaths" Nagisa said as they took deep breaths "You guys get dressed and Honoka will make breakfast" Nagisa said as she walks back into the kitchen "Honoka you're making breakfast" Nagisa said "Okay" Honoka said yawning as she makes breakfast and Hikari and Ryouta walks out

"Breakfast is ready" Honoka said "This is my fault because I didn't stop when you told me to" Nagisa whispers to Honoka "Ryouta is going be heartbroken" Nagisa whispers "It's not your fault Nagisa" Honoka said "Yes it is Honoka" Nagisa said as she snapped at Honoka and everyone looks at the two "I'm sorry that I snapped at you Honoka" Nagisa said "It's okay just don't blame yourself" Honoka said as she sets the table as they heard a knock on the door and opens the door and it's Shiho and Rina's mother's "Hi Nagisa I assumed you all know" Shiho's mom said "Our daughters graves were vandalized" Rina's mom said "They weren't vandalized" Nagisa said "And how would you know" Shiho's mom asked "They were protecting them getting the dark energy off of their bodies without hurting them" Nagisa said "All we know is that they vandalized their grave" Rina's mom said as Nagisa held Honoka's hand "Duel Aroura Wave" Nagisa and Honoka said as they turned into Cure Black and Cure White "We were getting the dark energy off of them so they could rest peacefully" Black said "I don't believe you" Rina's mom said "You know how much I miss them both" Black said "I believe you" Shiho's mom said "Nagisa you're not Rina's real friend" Rina's mom said as Nagisa and Honoka drop their transformation as Nagisa walked out and ran away "You know Nagisa was Rina's real friend she didn't go to school for a month she quit lacrosse almost cried when she did come back to school and you are saying that she isn't Rina's real friend" Hikari said "Hikari your heart" Honoka and Ryouta said "I don't care she is saying that Nagisa isn't Rina's real friend which she is" Hikari said "Hikari you need to calm down the stress can make the wound bleed" Honoka said "I'll take her to the bedroom and you find Nagisa" Ryouta said as he took Hikari to their room and lays her on the bed and Honoka goes to find Nagisa and finds her unconscious Honoka calls Ryouta "Ryouta I found Nagisa but she's unconscious" Honoka said "I'll send Nozomi and the others to come get you" Ryouta said over the phone "hurry her pulse is weak" Honoka said and seconds later Milky Rose comes and takes Nagisa to the hospital "Honoka get in" Coco said and Honoka gets in the car "Do you even have a drivers license Coco" Honoka asked "Yes I do" Coco said driving to the hospital and parking and they rush into the hospital "Mrs. Musumi twice in one day" The Doctor said as the doctor took Nagisa into surgery

A few hours later Nagisa comes out of surgery and stays in the hospital until the end of the day and goes back home with Honoka and the others Nagisa looks at Honoka during the car ride back home and could tell she was mad "I'm sorry Honoka" Nagisa said pulling back Honoka's hair "I know you are" Honoka said yawning "Why didn't you sleep last night" Nagisa asked "I wasn't tired" Honoka said lying "Why didn't you go to sleep last night" Nagisa asked as the got home Honoka runs into her room and locks the door and looks at a picture of Nagisa Hikari and her "I know this is what she wants but she's our friend and we don't want to lose her" Honoka whispers Nagisa walks inside and gets Mipple and slides her under the door and walks into the kitchen to eat "Nagisa~Mepo Mipple is missing~Mepo" Mepple screamed as he ran to Nagisa "Calm down I gave her to Honoka" Nagisa said picking up the yellow pixie and walking outside "Nagisa I can feel your emotions I know you're upset and worried~Mepo" Mepple said "No need to worry mepple I'm fine-ish" Nagisa said "Fine-ish?~Mepo " Mepple questioned "It's Honoka I know something's bothering her but I can't figure out what" Nagisa explains the reason for saying 'fine-ish' and goes back inside and walks to Hikari and Ryouta's Room and to her surprise everyone was in there "How is she doing" Nagisa asked "She's resting but she'll be fine" Ryouta said trying to hide the fact that he was on the verge of tears "How are you doing" Nagisa asked "I'm fine" Ryouta said lying to avoid saying the truth "I'm you're sister you really think I can't tell when you're lying it's written all over your face" Nagisa said

"I'm not lying" Ryouta said "Keeping your feelings in especially with your medical condition is bad" Nagisa said "I'm going to check on Honoka" Nagisa said as she went to the bedroom and tries to open the door and realizes it's lock she knocks on the door hoping Honoka opens it "Go away Nagisa" Honoka said "Honoka open the door and let's talk I know why you locked yourself in there but we can talk" Nagisa said "Leave me alone Nagisa" Honoka said "Honoka I know you don't want Hikari to leave us" Nagisa said as Honoka opens the door and Nagisa walks in and closes the door and looks at Honoka her eyes were red and puffy it was clear to Nagisa that her wife had been crying "Honoka..." Nagisa said as she looked at the picture on the bed she couldn't see the photo but she could tell by the black white and yellow frame that it was a picture of herself Honoka and Hikari "Honoka we support her decision and I know it's going to be hard but she'll still live on in our hearts" Nagisa said "Until we die then her memory will be gone" Honoka said bluntly

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