Can't keep calm

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8 months later "Nagisa are you awake" Honoka asked "Yeah I'm up what's wrong" Nagisa said "I had another nightmare" Honoka said "Hey don't worry the baby is coming soon just keep your mind on her and not the nightmare" Nagisa said "Okay" Honoka said hugging Nagisa "I just don't want to lose you Nagisa" Honoka said "You won't lose me I promise" Nagisa said "Try and get some sleep Honoka okay" Nagisa said as Honoka falls asleep "Don't worry I'll protect you" Nagisa whispered to Honoka and doesn't wake her up

The next day Honoka and Nagisa wakes up and gets dressed "Honoka how are you feeling" Nagisa asked "I'm feeling okay" Honoka said walking into the kitchen "Good morning" Nagisa said with a smile "Good morning..." Ryouta said "what's wrong" Nagisa asked as she heard a knock on the door and she remembered "Never mind I remember" Nagisa said as she opens the door "Hey Nagisa" Miyuki said "Okay good you guys are here I have to go I'll be back" Nagisa said walking out the door "Honoka I'll be back I promise" Nagisa said looking at Honoka "okay..." Honoka said

Nagisa walked out and drove to her parents house and looks in the the window and sees her parents and drives back home and walks inside "I'm back" Nagisa said and walks over to Ryouta "They're back" Nagisa whispered to Ryouta "How" Ryouta said "Aunt Mizu posted their bail" Nagisa said "Oh no they might come here" Hikari said "Which is why I'm going to confront them" Nagisa said "Don't go" Honoka said "please don't" Honoka said as Nagisa walked over and took Honoka into her grandmother's room "I'll be back I promise" Nagisa said hugging Honoka "But w-" Honoka started but got cut off by Nagisa "I'll be back I promise" Nagisa said hugging Honoka "I'm going now but I promise I'll be back" Nagisa said walking outside and getting in the car and drives to her parents house and gets out of the car and walks to the door and knocks on the door and Rie answers the door

"What are you doing here" Rie said "I'm here to tell you to please stay away from Honoka Ryouta Hikari and all our friends I don't want any trouble just please stay away from us" Nagisa said walking away as she bumps into her dad "I'm sorry" Nagisa said walking away as Takashi grabs her hand "Your getting whipped for that" Takashi said as he started whipping her and Nagisa screams in pain "No Nagisa" Honoka said as tears stream down her face and after Nagisa gets whipped and she walks to the car and starts crying and drives home Nagisa wipes her tears and walks inside and walks to Honoka's grandmother's room and wipes Honoka's tears "I'm fine okay" Nagisa said hugging Honoka "Nagisa the baby is coming" Honoka said "Okay let's get to the car" Nagisa said helping up and walks her to the car "is she coming" Ryouta asked "Yes she is" Nagisa said as she puts Honoka in the car "we'll meet you at the hospital" Ryouta said as Nagisa got into the car and drove Honoka to the Hospital and parked and walked inside with Honoka "My wife is having a baby" Nagisa said as the doctor took them into the room and hooked Honoka up to the moniter as Ryouta and the other's got to the hospital and waited outside

"Okay Honoka push" The doctor said as Honoka pushed and after 45 minutes "Okay Honoka one last push" The doctor said as Honoka pushed and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl "What are you going to name her" The doctor asked "I haven't really thought of a name" Honoka said "I have the perfect name Sanae Misumi" Nagisa said "My grandmother's name" Honoka said "I know how much you miss her and now her memory will live on in her" Nagisa said as Ryouta and the other's came in "She's so beautiful" They said "Her name is Sanae Musimi" Honoka said "You named her after your grandmother" Hikari said " I didn't name her Nagisa did, to be honest, I've been having a hard time dealing with my grandmother's death but right now I'm just happy that I gave birth to a healthy baby girl" Honoka said "It's a blessing" Nagisa said

A few days after Sanae birth Honoka and Nagisa came home with Sanae "Welcome Home" Everyone said "You shouldn't have" Nagisa said "You did it for us so we are doing it for you" Ryouta said "Okay" Nagisa said as she put Sanae in her crib ' It's really is a blessing Sanae came 4 days before the anniversary of Honoka's grandmother's death' Nagisa thought looking at Honoka sleeping on the bed and she falls asleep next to her hoping and praying that Honoka can get through tomorrow and wakes up to Sanae's crying and goes to her crib and picks her up and rocks her back to sleep and lays her back in her crib

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