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"Nagisa Hikari's gone and I don't know how to get through this" Honoka said "We'll get through this together" Nagisa said as Akane (MHP) left "Get some rest" Nagisa said as Honoka walks to the bedroom and falls asleep "Are you okay Nagisa" Akane asked "Yeah I'm fine" Nagisa said lying "Nagisa you shouldn't lie" Coco said "I'm fine really" Nagisa said lying again as Sanae wakes up crying and Nagisa gets a the frozen milk out of the fridge and warms it up and pours it in the bottle and feeds Sanae and lays her in the crib for her nap as she looks around the room "Hikari..." Nagisa whispers to herself as she walks back to the kitchen "You need to grieve" Yuri said "Not yet" Nagisa said "Ryouta and Honoka are upset right now I need to be strong for them" Nagisa said "You don't need to be strong you need to grieve" Nutts said "You guys don't need to be concerned I'll grieve just not now" Nagisa said

The next day Nagisa wakes up at 2 o'clock in the morning and grabs Mepple and goes outside and sits down and starts crying "Nagisa~Mepo" Mepple said "I can't keep my feelings in for a whole day so I let them out when everyone is asleep" Nagisa said wiping her tears as she goes back inside and gets in the bed and falls asleep and at 8 o'clock in the morning Honoka and Nagisa wakes up and gets dressed Honoka feeds Sanae and lays her down for her nap and Nagisa walks into Ryouta's bedroom and sees him feeding Hoshi and he lays her down for her nap "Ryouta" Nagisa said "Yes" Ryouta said "You know when you went into a coma if you get even more worked up you'll suffer from a seizure far worse than any you've had before" Nagisa said "I would be with Hikari and be happy" Ryouta said "And Hoshi losing both her parents" She has great aunts" Ryouta said "My heart hurts" Ryouta added "get some more sleep Ryouta I doubt you got any last night" Nagisa said as she walks out and opens the door "How did you know we'd be here" Karen asked "You guys always come at the same time everyday" Nagisa said "Move out of my way" Shinsetsu said "Oh no not today leave now" Nagisa said "I just came to see Honoka" Shinsetsu said "I want to kill you so please leave so I don't end up going to jail" Nagisa said "No" Shinsetu said as she walked into the bedroom "Hello Honoka" Shinsetu said as she raped Honoka "Get off of her" Nagisa said charging at Shinsetu and throwing her over the gate and walks back into the bedroom

"Honoka are you okay" Nagisa asked "No I'm not okay first Hikari dies then Shinsetu rapes me again" Honoka said crying as Nagisa hugs Honoka "Nagisa" Ryouta said walking in "I need to talk to you whenever you get the chance don't leave her" Ryouta said walking back to his room "You should go talk to him" Honoka said as her voice was cracking "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep okay" Nagisa said as Honoka nods and slowly falling asleep "I love you" Nagisa said pulling the covers over her and walks to Ryouta's room

"What did you want to talk about" Nagisa asked "Your breakdown that you said you would have if you lost anyone else" Ryouta said "I'm fine Ryouta" Nagisa said "You haven't grieved" Ryouta said "I'm fine" Nagisa said "You said that if you lose someone else you'll have a breakdown Nagisa I'm worried about you everyone is worried about you" Ryouta said "I'm fine" Nagisa said snapping at Ryouta "Holding back your feelings isn't good" Ryouta said "I'm fine Ryouta" Nagisa said "If you were you wouldn't be avoiding talking about your feelings" Ryouta said "Ryouta I'm not avoiding talking about it Ryouta" Nagisa said snapping at him and walking out of the room and walking to the bedroom and lays in bed with Honoka "Nagisa~Mepo" Mepple said "I'm fine Mepple" Nagisa said "We both know that's not true~Mepo" Mepple said as Nagisa looks at the table "We went on the canoes that day" Nagisa said tearing up "Nagisa...~Mepo" Mepple said "I'm fine" Nagisa said wiping her tears walking to the kitchen and getting some food "You've been hiding your feelings" Kurumi said "I'm not hiding my feelings" Nagisa said "Guys let's just let her cope with Hikari's death" Coco said

The next day Nagisa wakes up crying and goes to the bathroom and locks the door "Hikari" Nagisa said as her voice was cracking "Nagisa" Honoka said knocking on the bathroom door as Nagisa unlocks the door and Honoka walks in and hugs Nagisa "It's okay Nagisa let it out" Honoka said "I'm fine" Nagisa said wiping her tears "You're staying home today" Nagisa asked "Yep" Honoka said as Nagisa got dressed and went to work "She's not doing well" Ryouta said walking in "Yeah yesterday she was crying while you were asleep~Mipo" Mipple said "We'll talk to her when she gets back from work" Honoka said "Hey guys" Miyuki said "How did you get in" Ryouta asked "Nagisa let us in when she left" Miyuki said "Ryouta she also told us to tell you to write Hikari's obituary" Love said "And she said if you don't she'll put you in a cobra twist" Saki said "I'll do it now" Ryouta said walking to his room and gets a piece of paper and starts writing the obituary as he reads it he breaks down in tears

A few hours later Nagisa comes home from work and walks into the bedroom sees all her friends and walks to Ryouta's bedroom and sees him asleep and reads the obituary "He put all his feelings in" Nagisa said as she puts the obituary back and Ryouta slightly wakes up "Nagisa it was hard" Ryouta said "I thought it would be here read these" Nagisa said as she handed him a envelope with Hikari's vows and letter to Ryouta "You can read it now if you want or later I'll leave you to it" Nagisa said walking to the bedroom "Good you're back we need to talk" Honoka said "about what" Nagisa said knowing what it was about "You need to grieve" Miki said "I'm fine you guys really" Nagisa said yawning "No your not~Mepo" Mepple said turning into his pixie form "You were crying today in a room all alone at work today~Mepo" Mepple said "I'm fine really" Nagisa said fake smiling "That's not a real smile Nagisa" Miyuki said "I'm fine really don't worry" Nagisa said calmly "Just because you say that doesn't make it true" Honoka said "I'm really fine" Nagisa said as Porun starts crying as Nagisa walks over and picks up Porun "Don't cry it will be okay I know Hikari wouldn't want you to be sad" Nagisa said as Porun stopped crying and yawned and Nagisa puts him down and he goes to sleep "Now I know why she's not grieving" Honoka said "She's being strong for everyone" Coco said "But you can't be strong all the time you have to let those feelings out sometime" Yayoi said as they heard a knock on the door "Um Hi" Ryouta said "Who are you" Ryouta asked "I'm Dasuki Love's Husband" Dasuki said "Oh why didn't you start with that" Ryouta said letting Dasuki in as his parents walk up

"We demand to see our grandchildren" Rie demands "No why are they here" Nagisa said walking out of the bed room "Get out now" Nagisa said to her parents "We wanted to see the bride to be and our grandchildren" Takashi said "Get out now" Nagisa said "Nagisa calm down" Ryouta said "Leave before I call Fujipi and get you forced out" Nagisa said "Oh right Shinsetu did tell us that Hikari died whoops that's what happens when you're disgusting and in love with another girl you lose your friend" Rie said "Get out now" Nagisa screams "Nagisa please calm down" Ryouta said "You're trespassing get out of our house" Nagisa yells "Get out you killed Hikari get out now get out" Nagisa screams "No oh by the way how's Honoka doing Shinsetu told us she raped her" Takashi said as Nagisa charges at them but Ryouta holds her back "Let me go please Ryouta" Nagisa said in tears "No I can't" Ryouta said "Ryouta let me go please let me go" Nagisa said "We'll just take Hoshi and Sanae while you're restrained" Rie said "Let me go Ryouta" Nagisa said as Ryouta let's her go and she charges at Rie and Takashi and knocks them out before they could reach Hoshi and Sanae and throws them over the gate "Nagisa..." Honoka said "I'm going for a walk I'll be back" Nagisa said "Nagisa lie down get some sleep" Honoka said as they walked to the bed room and Nagisa fell asleep and everyone walked to the kitchen "Honoka she's going to be okay" Love said "No she's not she's going to have a breakdown she told me if she lost anyone else she would breakdown that's what happened today she had a mini breakdown" Ryouta said

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