Stop Nagisa

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"Okay" Honoka said worried about Nagisa "I know you're worried I am too actually I'm scared out of my mind that I'll lose her but I know she needs this" Ryouta said

Meanwhile with Nagisa "What do you think I should do Hikari" Nagisa whispers "Asking for help~Mepo" Mepple said "She knew just what to say like when I slept in the guest room she came in and prayed with me" Nagisa said "You miss her~Mepo" Mepple said "I wish she was alive I wish I stopped when they told me too" Nagisa said "Nagisa~Mepo Trying to make amends with your parents~Mepo Is like trying to~Mepo" Mepple said stopping at the end "Honoka~Mepo Ryouta~Mepo" Mepple yelled as Honoka and Ryouta came in "Mepple what's wrong" Honoka asked "Nagisa is doing this on purpose of course she wants her parents to accept her but she knows they will~Mepo" Mepple said "whip her but if they do it the hardest they ever did" Ryouta said "Hikari wouldn't want you to do that" Honoka said "I'm going on a walk" Nagisa said getting up and walking outside "Nagisa wait" Honoka said but Nagisa keeps walking towards her parents house "I can't catch up now" Honoka said "But I can" Nozomi said "Precure Metamorphose" Nozomi said as she transformed and went after Nagisa "Coco do you see her" Dream asked "Down there~Coco" Coco said "Nagisa" Dream said landing in front of her "Don't do this Nagisa Hikari wouldn't want this" Dream said as Nagisa walked around her "What about Honoka Ryouta Hoshi and Sanae" Dream said "They'll have each other" Nagisa said "This isn't the path you should be on Nagisa you shouldn't commit suicide Nagisa you have so much more to live for" Dream said "I'm not committing suicide I'm going to rekindle my relationship with my parents" Nagisa said "Keep saying that's the reason you're going there you know what they will do and you're okay with it" Dream said "Nozomi I don't want to live anymore and if that means my parents whipping me to death I have to go" Nagisa said tears streaming down her face "I can't be alive I should have been the one shot not Hikari I should be dead not Hikari I should be gone" Nagisa said as her voice was cracking "Nagisa let's go back~Coco" Coco said "I'm sorry" Nagisa said running to her parent's house

"Precure prism chains" Lemonade said wrapping the chains around Nagisa "We can't let you commit suicide" Dream said as she and lemonade took Nagisa back to the house "we got her" Dream said as she and lemonade detransforms and puts Nagisa in the bedroom as Honoka walks in "Suicide Nagisa really you want to commit suicide" Honoka yelled "I'm not going to let you throw your life away like you tried to do in high school" Honoka said "No way Nagisa I can't lose you and I don't know if we can stop you next time" Honoka said 

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