Honoka's secret

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The next day "Honoka I'm sorry but aren't you being a little overprotective" Nagisa asked "I'm not I can't have you trying anything like that again" Honoka said kissing Nagisa "I'm sorry Honoka I just missed Hikari and thought I should be dead instead of her" Nagisa said "I believe you so you want to have some fun" Honoka asked "Honoka I told you we'll take it slow I don't want you to feel that pain ever again" Nagisa said "But I want too Nagisa" Honoka said kissing Nagisa "We're taking it slow" Nagisa said "Promise what happened yesterday isn't going to happen again" Honoka said "I'll try my hardest to keep the promise" Nagisa said "I know you miss Hikari but she wouldn't want you doing this to yourself" Honoka said "I know" Nagisa said "Are you going to work today" Honoka asked

"Yeah I am" Nagisa said getting dressed and gets in the car driving to work "I wish I could turn back time" Nagisa said getting out of the car and walking into work "Nagisa you will be training our new employee" Nagisa's boss said "Her name is Shinsetu" Nagisa's boss said "Guess you're training me hope I don't end up like Hikari" Shinsetu said "We are only working don't bring up Hikari" Nagisa said "I'll leave you to it Nagisa" Nagisa's boss said "Let's set some rules You will do exactly what I say and you will not bring up Hikari or Honoka understood" Nagisa said "Fine I'm actually glad she's dead she was never good enough for Ryouta" Shinsetu said as Nagisa tries not to fight Shinsetu "Let's start" Nagisa said as she started training Shinsetu during this Shinsetu brought up Hikari and Honoka as Nagisa walks to her bosses office "I can't work with her so it's either me or her" Nagisa said "Why can't you work with her" Nagisa's boss asked "She raped my wife and kept talking about my friend who died because of me I can't work with her so you can fire me if you want I just can't work with her" Nagisa said "Nagisa I'm so sorry but I have to terminate you" Nagisa's boss said

Nagisa walks out of his office and packs up her stuff and walks to her car putting the stuff in the trunk and getting in the car "Nagisa are you okay~Mepo" Mepple asked as Nagisa nods her head "You didn't convince me~Mepo" Mepple said as Nagisa drives back home getting out of the car and gets the stuff out of the trunk and walk inside going to the bedroom putting the box down "Nagisa what happened" Honoka asked but Nagisa didn't say anything "Shinsetu got a job there and Nagisa gave their boss an ultimatum Shinsetu or Nagisa he chose Shinsetu~Mepo" Mepple said Nagisa gets in regular clothes and walks to Ryouta's bedroom "Ryouta can I come in" Nagisa asked "Yes" Ryouta said as she opens the door and walks into and then closes the door "I'm sorry Ryouta for all the pain I caused you" Nagisa said as she opens the door and walks outside to the car and drives off crying "Nagisa...~Mepo" Mepple said as Nagisa wipes her tears "Where are we going~Mepo" Mepple asked "I don't know but I just needed to get away for a while" Nagisa said "Hikari I'm sorry for ruining your life and Ryouta's life" Nagisa whispers "You didn't ruin their life~Mepo" Mepple said

"Honoka Nagisa came into my room said I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you and then left and she took the car" Ryouta said "She got fired today because she couldn't work with Shinsetu" Honoka said as Nagisa drives back to the house and walks inside to the bedroom "Nagisa you didn't cause me any pain" Ryouta said "I just came back for some clothes" Nagisa said "She thinks she ruined your life and Hikari's~Mepo" Mepple said as Nagisa packs her bags and leaves Mepple on the table and gets in the car and drives off "What exactly did Shinsetu say "She said that she didn't want to end up like Hikari and she said that she was glad Hikari was gone she said she's glad that you're parents killed Hikari and she said that it was Nagisa's fault~Mepo" Mepple said "She's even more depressed now" Honoka said "She just needs time alone~Mepo She promised me she would come back~Mepo" Mepple said

A few days later and Nagisa still doesn't come back "It's been 5 days she should be back by now" Honoka said "I'm going to look for her" Ryouta said getting in his car and driving trying to find Nagisa he finds her at a motel "Did you think we weren't going to look for you" Ryouta said "I just need to think Ryouta please let me do that" Nagisa said "You didn't ruin our lives Nagisa and if Hikari was here she would be telling you the same thing" Ryouta said "Can you please let me think I need to think Ryouta I need to find a way to live with myself I'll be back I just need to find away to forgive myself for what I did" Nagisa said "We'll help you Nagisa just come back with me" Ryouta said "I need to do this by myself Ryouta" Nagisa said "Nagisa I know you feel like this is your fault but it's not I know for a fact that Hikari doesn't blame you for this at all she doesn't want you blaming yourself" Ryouta said "I wish I could stop blaming myself but I can't Shinsetu was right it's my fault that Hikari is dead" Nagisa said holding back her tears "Get your bag now Nagisa we're going back" Ryouta said as Nagisa got her bag and drove back to the house and Ryouta followed they get out of the car and walks into the bedroom "Honoka how are you feeling" Nagisa asked "I'm fine" Honoka said "I don't know what I would do if I lost you too" Nagisa said Honoka looks down knowing she's lying to Nagisa "You won't lose me" Honoka said lying as Nagisa goes to the bathroom "Ryouta you need to make sure you keep Nagisa from doing anything when I'm gone" Honoka said "The shot wound it's effecting you like it's effected Hikari" Ryouta said "You have to tell her" Ryouta said "She'll blame herself I don't want her to blame herself" Honoka said "You need to tell her" Ryouta said "She'll blame herself I can't tell her" Honoka said "You have to tell Nagisa now" Ryouta said as Nagisa came back in "Tell me what" Nagisa asked "I'm dying" Honoka said as Nagisa walks outside and walks down the street and sits on a bench and breaks down in tears "I did this it's my fault" Nagisa said through the lump in her throat knowing her wife was going to die as she wipes her tears and walks back to the house and walks to the bedroom and hugs Honoka "How long" Nagisa asked "1 day maybe two" Honoka said crying

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