Finally together

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Nagisa gets up walking into Honoka's room and laying down on the bed "Nagisa what does he mean you shouldn't have ran here" Honoka asked "My parents beat me again this morning that's when I realized where Ryouta was so I ran here" Nagisa said wincing in pain "Nagisa! You shouldn't have done that" Honoka said with tears in her eyes "I said I would be fine and I am" Nagisa said wiping Honoka's tears

"No you're not~Mepo" Mepple said followed by "You got whipped just for being bisexual~Mepo" Mepple said "Mepple!!!!" Nagisa yelled "it's not that bad" Nagisa said "You said you would be fine last night" Honoka said she could feel her voice starting to crack "Honoka I am" Nagisa said lying a little bit "No you're not" Honoka said as she broke down in tears

"I'm fine just come lie down" Nagisa said as Honoka lies down on the bed "Now just calm down Honoka" Nagisa said rubbing Honoka's back "I'm going to stay here tonight okay" Nagisa said holding Honoka close to her unknowingly tears were streaming down her face

"Nagisa...~Mepo" Mepple said "I'm fine" Nagisa said wiping her tears as Honoka falls asleep "sweet dreams Honoka" Nagisa said kissing Honoka's cheek "Nagisa are you going to be okay~Mipo" Mipple said "No but as long as I'm with Honoka I feel safe" Nagisa said

'I'm hurting but I don't want anyone to know' Nagisa thought as Honoka woke up "Nagisa are you okay" Honoka asked "No but I feel safe when I'm with you" Nagisa said "I just need to get out of there but I can't leave Ryouta there with them" Nagisa said

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