Chapter 18: Futures

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"That's her, Five. Look. Our uh..." Maxine pauses, "escort."

"Over here. Bring them around this way, please."

"Oh, wow," Maxine mutters as our Jeep comes to a stop. "She is shiny. I never knew how women got their skin to glow like that before the apocalypse. How is she doing that now?"

I tip my head the side, my eyes scanning the woman. She is very beautiful-gorgeous really-even more so now that she's closer to us. I don't think about my looks most of the time, nor do I think of anyone else's, except for one person I find extremely attractive, but seeing this woman makes me suddenly feel self conscious about myself. I awkwardly fiddle with my clothes.

She smiles as she approaches us, her hand coming up to brush back her black hair and tuck it behind her ear. Chestnut colored eyes shine bright, matching her smile.

"Runner Five, Dr. Meyers, so pleased to meet you," She says sweetly. She offers her hand to Maxine after I hop down from the Jeep. "Oh, Doctor, let me help you down."

Maxine brushes her hand away, offering a small smile as she gets out of the Jeep. "I'm fine, thanks. Why did we stop the convey out here? The settlement must be a half a mile away."

Static breaks through our headsets.

"Can't bring the heroes of the ice cream cone tower in by Jeep, can we?" An unfamiliar female voice laughs. "Everyone hear me alright in your headsets?"

"Just fine, Kendra," The ravenette says. "Runner Five, Dr. Meyers, I'm Imogen Li, Rebuilding Division of the Ministry of Recovery. Previously worked in PR for Blue Chip Investment Firms. The Ministry rescued me and several senior staff from a camp on top of the hexagon tower. We only had three days worth of supplies left when her people came in the chopper, so we were glad to see her, I can tell you."

"And Kendra Armitage on coms," Our operator says. "Communications Division of the Ministry of Recovery. I was a junior producer with BBC Farming before all this. Ended up stuck on location in the Highland Cross when everything went gray. We would've died that first winter in the Ministry hadn't send the army to airdrop reflective blankets and sacks of grain."

Imogen nods. "We all have a lot to be grateful for. And that's what we're here for today, to celebrate all that's been achieved. I'll be your escort as you make your tour of what the Ministry's rebuilding today. I thought we'd make our approach to the first settlement at a light jog, if you feel up to it in your condition, Dr. Meyers."

Maxine raises a brow. "So we're running in? The Ministry's pretty heavy on symbolism, huh?"

"Moonchild had a lot of people under her control. People won't forget what you did in a hurry. We're just happy to be associated with you. Come on, now. The first group is waiting."

Imogen turns and starts to jog, and we follow. She makes sure to keep a slow pace for Maxine, and I find myself glancing over at her from time to time, just to make sure she's okay. I mean, she's eight months along, so of course everyone who's with her is gonna be worried, but she seems fine. She's actually studying the slim woman leading us.

"Five, is she wearing an ironed shirt? Who can be bothered with ironing?"

"She's wearing eyeliner too," I point out, pausing for just a moment. "Do you think it'd be weird if I asked her to teach me how to make my eyeliner look like that?"

She scrunches up her face at me. "You don't wear eyeliner."

I shrug. "Well, yeah, I don't now, but if she taught me how to wing it like that then I'd wear it everyday. It would make me feel pretty."

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