Chapter 24: History Repeating

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"Yup, I see it. Should be coming through on headcams now."

Sam gasps. "Seriously?"

Steve scoffs. "Don't sound so shocked. You sent us here."

"Well, yes," Ellie says. "You're at our best guess for the location for the actions described in the Edda of the Wakened Warriors. Pocket of sufferers of Roudette's disease five miles of here, which we know you're looking for because of that Viking hand you dragged back to Abel, Five. Known Viking settlements to the south and north, and the geographical features mentioned in the extra verses match up. There aren't many 500 foot long causeways on this section of the coast. But we had no idea of that story was true, or related to any real world events."

"Well, now we know. Sea's so calm, you can see all the way down to the bottom."

"And the village is down there?" Sam asks. "The village they talk about in the Edda, Kirkthwaite?"

"Well, there isn't a 'Welcome to Kirkthwaite, please drive carefully through our underwater Norse village' sign, but yeah. It's kind of beautiful."

"Kind of," I reply, looking down at the village with arms crossed. Seaweed waves with the current, making it almost look like green smoke is coming out of the chimneys. If this were any other day, I'd be more optimistic about this, but it's my birthday and I want to get this done as soon as possible. "So what now? Ministry sent Bob the Builder over here to help us out. We're not going to dive down there and check this out right now, are we?"

"What's the matter, Five? Wouldn't you like a nice, refreshing ice bath?" Steve asks with a grin. "Also, never call me 'Bob the Builder' again."

"I'll call you whatever I want," I say with a bit more bite in my voice than I mean to.

"No, none of that," Ellie says. "The name calling or the diving into the ocean in November. You'll be heading inland. We just had to get you to where the whole thing begins, to Kirkthwaite. Then we can use the narrative to retrace the path those Viking warriors took," Ellie explains. "The route that ended in the Cave of Miracles, where they found a cure for their wakened warriors. I don't need to tell you how important this could be."

"If it's true," Steve says.

"Yes, if. That's exactly what we're hoping to find out."

"I'm always up for a wild goose chase. Enjoy the exercise." He sweeps a glance around. "So where to now?"

"Well, the Edda says, 'And on that day, the battle raged full force, and King Thortsten did look about his outmatched forces and know despair, saying-'"

"'Go, my warriors, my bravest-'" Sam interrupts, using a deep voice, and Ellie sighs in annoyance.

"Seriously? We're seriously going to do voices?" She asks in exasperation.

"Well, of course we're doing the voices! It's not fun without the voices. Right, Builder?"

Steve looks at me, as if questioning what would be a good reply. I send him a narrowed eyed glare, lips pressing into a thin line as I await to hear his answer as well.

"Oh, uh, if you say so, love."

I tsk. That's a good enough answer, I guess.

"Oh, come on. I mean, I think it's way more fun to use the voices." He clears his throat. "'King Thorsten said, 'Go, my warriors, my bravest. Help is needed that only the wizard Loki may provide. Run to her with all haste, my champions! Run!''"

I grimace when I hear faint shouts and swords clashing. Story times usually don't go so well for me. The last thing I want is to suddenly be a Viking King fighting against a raging army of other skilled Vikings. But this really isn't something I can control.

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