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Hi guys! I'm back! Sorry if I didn't update for so long, I was lazy. So, here's more Glorybringer. I'm repeating my favourite shops because I don't have any suggestions. (the fanart isn't mine). I think the next ship I'll do will be about Blicket, and you'll get to see one of my drawings (I'm not good but I'm stubborn. Anyway, here's the one-shot! (the events takes place five years after the glorybringer wedding).

It was raining. Outside the royal hut, Deathbringer stood as still as rock, on guard, raindrops rolling down his back and wings.

He didn't care about the rain. He was living in the Rainforest, after all. The rain helped him clear his mind, and the clouds were so gray it looked almost like night.

But, more than any of these reasons, he loved the rain because of Glory.

During the rainy days, when none would come to her to solve their problems, rather staying inside, she had nothing to do. But still, she had to stay in her hut in case someone would need her help.

And she always placed Deathbringer on duty outside, to watch for dragons braving the rain to come see her.

During that time, Glory was singing. Even if it was just humming, Deathbringer could hear it from where he was. It was beautiful.

He never told her about it, because knowing Glory, she would deny everything and stop humming, which was the last thing he wanted.

Through the rain, he hear the song stop. He frowned. Why has she stopped? Is she in danger? He was worried, but the light touch of a talon on his shoulder calmed him down.

He spun around, and found himself in front of Glory.

"Are you okay?", she shrugged and nodded, not talking at all.

Deathbringer looked at her. Her scales, always the brightest, were dull today. She was a pale lavender color, but small stripes of pale green showed on her arms and back. Fear.

And her eyes were baggy and gleaming with exhaustion. She hadn't slept.

"Don't lie to me, what's the matter?", he asked, brushing his wings with hers.

Glory stepped back. Weird. That's usually what comforts her the best.

Small blue clouds showed through the lavender edge of her wings. Sadness, Deathbringer decrypted.

He hated to see her sad. It made him sad too. He hugged her, and she leaned in.

"You'll stay with me no matter what, right?", she whispered in his ear.

"Of course."

"There's something I must tell you."

"What is it, Glory? You can tell me anything."

"I'm pregnant"

"...", emotion tightened in his throat, and he could barely breathe.

"Oh, Deathbringer, I'm so sorry! I can f-fix everything, b-but please don't l-leave me!", she cried, tightening her grip on his shoulders. She started sobbing.

"Hey, it's okay, I will never leave you. Why would I?", she looked up at him, raindrops and tears running down her face.

"I don't know", she whispered.

Deathbringer didn't answer. Instead, he gently placed a talon under her chin and rose her head to his level. He leaned down and kissed her.

She closed her eyes and kissed him back. Pale pink was slowly replacing the blue and green on her scales.

When she pulled away, the rain stopped. Above them, the sun pierced through the clouds. Deathbringer smiled.

"Glory, we're gonna be parents!"

She smiled. "So, you're... happy?"

"Of course! It's wonderful!", he started flying around in excitement.

He flew down to her level, snatched her flower crown, smirked at her and soared away.

"Hey, come back here!", she leaped after him.


Deathbringer and Glory were in the RainWing hatchery side by side, talons intertwined. In front of them was an egg.

Its shell was pale-silver, but when the light hit it, it shimmered with all the colors possible. Little stars freckled the top of it. The egg was so close to hatching that they could see the little dragonet's silhouette through the shell.

Above their heads, one full moon shone through the small skylight.

The egg rocked back and forth, and a small crack zigzagged across the smooth shell.

Suddently, a tiny head popped out. The egg splintered in half.

Glory and Deathbringer leaned closer. "Wow. She's beautiful"he whispered. "Just like you", he added, grinning at Glory.

The RainWing Queen didn't answered, but her eyes sparkled as she looked at her dragonet.

The RainWing-NightWing hybrid had Glory's frame, and the same fierce-green eyes. Her scales were a greenish-black, exept for some scattered under her wings, recreating the NightWings' silver stars. She had a silver scales the shape of a teardrop beside each eyes.

"What do you want to name her?", Deathbring asked.

At the same time, a leaf fluttered down from the ceiling. The little dragonet gazed at it and rose on her hind legs to catch it. She caught the leaf on one of her tiny talons and fell down on her back, laughing.

"We'll call her Leafcatcher"

A/N: So, I have a a ton of ideas involving Leafcatcher, and I think I might write a book about her. Just let me know in the comments if you think it's a good idea and if you would read it. See ya soon!

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