Chapter 2

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Jenna and I were walking back from my car with my boxes walking to the building, Jenna filled me in on everything about this college, Jenna may have visit a few times before officially coming here.

"Alright so these frat houses are basically party all night, but you know who throws the most parties and are pretty damn epic"? Jenna said

"Which one"?

"The frat boy house at the end of the house, so many hot guys there and maybe you will hook up with one" I laughed at Jenna. The thought of me with a stupid frat boy who probably has an IQ of zero and only joined college to have sex with girls every night.

"Me and a frat boy? Now that's never going to happen, I'm telling you now"

"Oh whatever that's what everyone says until they met Ashton Irwin" When she mention Ashton I wondered if she meant Ashton that Michael and Luke mention earlier but there would be so many Ashton's here I guess.

"Who's Ashton Irwin"? I asked really curious as to why this name was mention and why Jenna wouldn't be surprised if I ended up liking Ashton.

"Ashton Irwin is head of the frat boy house even if he's only a junior; basically Ashton is an art major and is a talented one but the thing is at college he is focused and a good boy and he may come across as sweet with that damn beautiful smile that has you wrapped around his finger but don't be fooled by that because at night Ashton is the bad boy at parties he's the player and if he makes eye contact with you and finds you attractive he will want to make sure that his made out with you by the end of the night"

"Well make sure I don't run into him"

"Trust me at some point being at college you will somehow run into him"

"Great just my luck" I said to myself. We were about to enter the building until a boy who was really tan, muscle with black hair with some blonde in his hair standing in front of us. He took his sunglasses off and said

"Well what do we have here; two beautiful attractive girls, Jenna how are you"?

"What do you want Calum"? Jenna said rolling her eyes

"Well I'm just helping Ash out and saying hello to freshmen mostly the girls but to be honest I was hoping that I would bump into you Jenna"

"Calum I told you last time I've got a boyfriend so get the fancy pansy idea that you imagine me sucking your dick because it's not going to happen" Jenna tried to walked past Calum but he stopped her by putting he's hand on the wall.

"Come on Jenna one date doesn't have to mean anything"

"Get out of my way Calum and go annoy some other girl that wants to suck your dick, come on Shannon" Jenna said grabbing my hand. I walked past Calum giving him a 'sorry' look and when we entered the building Jenna said "That's Calum Hood and yes he is also part of the frat house down the road and ever since I've been visiting his done nothing but flirt with me and won't leave me alone"

"Well he is hot you gotta admit that"I said thinking about Calum while smirking at Jenna waiting for her to admit it.

"Yeah I know his hot but his a dick and don't see myself falling for him so don't you dare say anything"

"Alright then" I said still smirking

"Wipe that smirk off your face it's not going to happen"

"That's what they all say" I told Jenna knowing she will at some point in her life fall for Calum or at least have a drunk kiss with him.

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