Chapter 36

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Jenna wasn’t at my room for the next two nights and I felt like she was avoiding me now, I was packing my boxes up while talking to mum on the phone. I explained everything to her and she seemed to understand.

“So what’s going to happen with you and Ashton now”? she asked

“Actually we broke up mum that’s why I’ve been sad for a couple of days”

“Oh honey visual hug” I smiled at mum saying that “Just eat lots of ice cream alright and I’m proud of you alright here’s your brother” Patrick came on the screen and said

“Why did you break up with Ashton? Does this mean I can’t see his brother anymore”?

“Patrick this doesn’t change your friendship at all with Harry and Lauren you can still hang out with them”

“Okay I just wish you two got back together because he was the only boyfriend I liked”

“I know Patrick; I wish we were back together as well”

“Then don’t give up” Patrick said

“I won’t” Patrick and I had a longer chat and soon Patrick had to leave. Once I had everything packed up I laid down on my bed falling asleep.

 - - -

The next morning I was packing everything into the car and it was painful to do it, I’m going to miss this place a lot. I walked into my room grabbing the last box and my bag but I jumped seeing Jenna sitting on the bed.

“Jen, your actually here”

“So I guess it’s true that you’re leaving college”

“I was going to tell you but you were with Calum”

“Maybe there was a reason I was with Calum so much”

“Why were you”?

“Because I was pissed at you that’s why”

“But why”? I asked, Jenna stood up from her bed walking towards me

“You’re leaving Shannon, Ashton’s heartbroken his not the Ashton he was before he told you that he loves you but you ran away”

“Maybe because he broke up with me and it was too much to take in”

“Shannon you had your chance with Ashton and you blew it all, you know I thought you were the last person to drop out of college but looks like I was wrong”

“What the hell is your probably Jenna”?

“My problem is your just going to through away such a great place where your friends are but you decide to leave because of heartbreak and the fact that you’ve got a book, you’ve got such a great group of friends”

“You know what fuck you I don’t need this, it was great knowing you” I walked out the door thinking I wasn’t going to cry but when I walked out of the building tears escaped. I had no idea what to do I was having second thoughts.

I got to my car putting my box in the boot and slamming it down.

“Wow someone is in a mood” I looked beside me seeing Michael wearing his normal skinny jeans wearing a hoodie with his hands shoved in his pocket, I was going to miss him a lot.

“Hi Michael”

“So I guess this is it”? He said getting serious; I turned to him folding my arms

“Please tell me you’re not mad at me either because I can’t get into a another fight and lose another friend” I said crying again, Michael pulled me it into a hug making me calm

“I’m not mad at you Shannon; I understand why your leaving there’s no need for me to be mad I guess I’m just upset to see you leave so soon, you have been forgetting about your friends and epically Ashton”

“Michael, tell me what to do”? I said snuffing probably getting tears on Michael’s hoodie

“All I’m going to tell you is this what do you want that’s the question”

“I want to stay in college learn more but with this book coming out I’m excited and want to tour that’s all I want and plus I want to be with Ashton again” Michael pulled away and smiled

“Well there’s your answer stay in college don’t leave talk to your publisher and tell him that you will tour when it’s break but not right now and as for the Ashton thing it’s time to tell him what you were going to tell him” I nodded and Michael wiped away the tears “I think you know what to do now”

“I do, do you know where Ashton is”?

“He went down to the lake for some alone time”

“Thank you Michael, you’re the bestest friend I’ve ever had” I said giving him one last hug before and running off down to the lake.

- - -

Your probably wondering why I updated because it's not Monday and I said I would update on Monday well I double updated and this story has two more chapters left and that's it that's the end and it's probably going to end tomrrow because I just finshed writing the book and I really hope you like the ending because I loved it and may have teared up a bit while listening to Ed Sheeran which was a bad idea.

Anyway hope you've enjoyed this story :) only two more chapters to go

Check out my new story that I've just started WANTED :)

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