Chapter 11

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I was applying make up the next night getting ready for my night at the art show while Jenna was typing on her computer.

“So where are you going again”? she asked looking up from her laptop

“I have to go to the schools art show it’s for our next project”

“Well have fun looking at boring art work” I turned around looking at Jenna un impressed with that comment

“Jen art isn’t just about painting it’s about the passion and hard work you put into it and you can tell”

“You know you really should be with Ashton because you sound exactly like him” I rolled my eyes putting my shoes on and said

“Don’t start that again” I grabbed my bag and notebook ready to take down notes and hopefully find someone to interview “I’m off”

“Have fun” Jenna said smiling; I shut the door behind me making my way down to the art show. I was excited to see what master pieces there were.

 - - -

I walked up the stairs of the venue and I got handed a brochure with information in it. When I walked into the display area there was so much artwork and it was amazing these students are really talented. But I came across a huge painting that was land cross and it had such a great message and it was about depression which seems like a huge situation these days in society and I thought this painting was fantastic.

“Pretty great isn’t it”? I knew that voice and this time I wasn’t surprised seeing Ashton here but I was surprised to see Ashton standing there in a suit still wearing his glasses

“Wow someone cleaned up nice”

“I know sir wanted us to dress formal”

“Well you look handsome” I told Ashton impressed with his look, Ashton put his hand in his pocket

“Thank you but one question, why are you here”?

“Oh I thought you would be happy to see me like you normally are” Ashton blushed a bit and said

“I am but I’m just wondering only old people and students that like art are interested to come here”

“Well I have to write about the art show like what’s so great about it”

“Well let me show you around beautiful” Ashton told leading his arm out so I linked arms with him while he showed me around.

 - - -

So far everything Ashton’s shown me was great and I know exactly what to write for my essay. Ashton and I were still linking arms which was cute. We stopped at a painting and Ashton said

“This is the last painting and I guess you’re done” I shook my head remembering my other part to this 5 page essay

“Not exactly I gotta find an artist that I can interview”

“Well I know one”

“Really do you think they will help me out”?

“Shannon I’m talking about me, interview me” why the hell not his an artist

“Alright so where you want to do this”?

“Why don’t we ditch this place and I’ll buy us ice cream”

“Your treat”?

“My treat” I smiled at Ashton who soon held my hand dragging me along off campus and too the closet ice cream store.

 - - -

I was sitting outside the ice cream shop waiting for Ashton to come back with the ice cream and he wanted to guess my favourite so I had to wait outside. While I was waiting for Ashton I started writing my essay and I got at least one page done since Ashton came out.

“Okay I’m not sure but I tried my best to guess” Ashton gave me cookies and cream and it was actually one of my favourites so I smiled at him

“It’s not my number one favourite but it’s one of my favourites so good job”

“Alright so how long does this interview go for”?

“It’s only 5 questions that’s all”

“Alright go ask me away gorgeous” I blushed when Ashton called me that

 “Okay, so what made you decide to be an artist”?

“Well I don’t know I guess one day in class back in primary school once we finished a test my teacher would give us blank pieces of paper for us to draw on and that’s when it started, I was drawing whenever I had the free time and mum decided to take me to art classes after school, so basically throughout high school I was one of the best and I got offered to come to this college and here I am”  all I did was nod writing down what he just said “Did I do good”? I just nodded writing down the next piece

“Alright next question, what was your art piece in the show”?

“Really you saw it the moment you walked it” Ashton asked rising an eyebrow then I remembered the painting of the depression and society

“That was your painting”?

“Yeah I call it the pressure of society”

“Alright that brings me to my next question, why did you choose to do that kind of painting”

“Well society today is insane compared to what it was when I was a kid, I think when you start to grow up you see how difficult the world becomes and how much pressure is on you being out in the real world so when sir told us to paint a picture of something you dislike and I hate the pressure that people get and yeah” while I was writing this down I couldn’t believe what Ashton was telling me, he sounded like a full on art major and I was loving it.

- - -

Ashton walked me up to my room and we were having a nice chat and I actually didn’t want this to end the night was great and I guess I can say that I can’t wait for Friday night. I put my hand on the handle turning around smiling at Ashton.

“Thank you for the ice cream and helping me out it was a fun night”

“You still have to go on that date Friday night”Ashton said winking at me

“I know, I mean who knows maybe I’m excited or maybe not”

“Goodnight Shannon”

“Night Ash” I opened my door waving to Ashton until I shut it and once I turned around my eyes widen seeing what was in front of me. In bed was Jenna with not Chayce but Calum how did that happen? They were sleeping peacefully so I just went to bed not even questioning and I was right this whole time they are cute together.

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I don't know what to say about this chapter but there will be another update sooner than you think plus Calum and Jenna wonder what happened ;)

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