Chapter 4

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"What the hell do you think you're doing"? Jenna asked me while she was putting a nice black tight dress on.

"Uh I'm doing something for class and it's due by the end of the week" I told Jenna still typing, Jenna got up making her way over to my bed shutting my laptop

"Are you kidding me it's the first night and your already being a nerd you know what come to a party with me it will be our first party it will be fun" I crossed my arms rolling my eyes

"Let me guess it's that frat house's party at the end of the street right"?

"Yeah come on just this once Shannon and I won't ask again it's the first night and you can't be stuck here doing whatever you are doing, who knows maybe you will run into Ashton"

"If I say yes will you stop annoying me"? Jenna nodded her head almost smiling "Alright fine I'll go"

"Yes, now get into something better please I'm begging you"

"Fine pick an outfit for me" Jenna jumped off the bed going through my things and she grabbed a black dress I've never seen in my life

"This is cute, oh there's a note on it Dear Shannon I brought this dress encase you went on a date or went to a party love mum wow your mum is pretty great"

"Yeah she is"

"Now get dressed or else we will be late" Jenna told me while throwing the dress at me.

 - - -

We were walking down towards the end of the street where all the frat houses were but the one that got my attention was the one where about more than 200 students were outside a house and music blasting that you could hear at the end of the street near the school.

"Warning there are lots of drunk males and will try hook up with you and looking like that and being fresh meat they will get you" Jenna said before entering the party

"Great I'm starting to rethink my choice coming here"

"Come on it will be fun just stay near me" Jenna told me and staying near her only lasted a second when we entered the house and now I regret coming here. I looked around the house looking for Jenna but she was nowhere to be found I looked around for her but someone wrapped their arms around my waist, looking behind me was some creep he smelt like beer and had lots of drinks

"Hey baby"

"Yuck get off me" I said trying to free myself but he pinned me against the wall smirking

"I'm guessing you're new around here and you're a freshmen and I like fresh meat you know"

"That's great really but why don't you find other fresh meat"

"No I think you'll do fine" yep I was now 100% regretting my choice to come here.

"Mate, leave her alone" said a thick Australian accent

"No way" but the guy got pulled away from me and he soon left but what surprised me was the guy I saw earlier today but he wasn't wearing his glasses instead he look like a rock god he had long ripped jeans, a singlet with holes in it showing off his muscle and a wearing a bandana.

"It's you again and you seem different" I said checking him out

"Could say the same with you" he said back to me smirking

"Alright well I should go and find my friend" I said walking off looking for Jenna for wherever the hell she could be.

"Hang on a sec I never got your name, this can't be like Cinderella where the girl runs off after the prince saves her"

"Actually the prince didn't save her they danced almost kissed and the clock stroke midnight and she had to leave and didn't tell him her name"

"Well can I know your name"? He asked me

"My name is Shannon" I said smiling

"Shannon, beautiful name"

"And yours"

"I'm Ashton Irwin" he said with a proud smile, this was the kid everyone was talking about? The kid that is good by day and bad by night?

"Oh so you're the Ashton Irwin"

"Oh crap what have you heard" he said in a worried tone

"Oh nothing really you don't seem like the type of bad boy by night you know"?

"That's because I don't want the teachers knowing what I'm like at parties and that what they hear are rumours plus I try to focus on my work and leave the hooking up thing at parties" I rolled my eyes at Ashton "What"? He asked

"Nothing you just sound like a typically frat boy"

"Oh really well you seem like an innocent freshmen who will probably be banged by the end of the year"

"Is that so Mr. Irwin"? I asked with my arms crossing my full attention on him

"Yes it is, you may seem innocent at the moment but probably by the end of the year you'll be sleeping with someone"

"Whatever now if you don't mind I'm gonna go look for my friend" I told Ashton turning around walking in the other direction

"See you around beautiful" I rolled my eyes walking around the corner and soon found Jenna on the table with a beer in her hand singing along to the song.

"WINDOW TO THE WALL"!! Everyone was cheering for her and I saw Calum and Luke, I knew Calum would have something to do with this

"What the hell did you do to her"? I asked

"I didn't do anything this time I just found her and this song came on next thing you know she's on the kitchen bench" Calum told me, I looked at Luke to see if that was true Luke shook his head

"His lying Calum got her drunk" I smacked Calum on the back of the head

"Great how the hell I am going to get her back"

"I don't know but have fun with that" Calum said, once the song finished Jenna walked over to Calum and said

"Thank you Calum for getting me drunk I really needed it" Jenna looked at me and said "Hey Shannon are you drunk yet because I am"

"Jenna I think I should take you home alright bed time"

"Fine you big party pooper" she said walking towards the door, I said goodbye to Calum and Luke walking behind Jenna. We made it outside and that's when Jenna fell on the grass

"Jenna come on we've both got class tomorrow and you don't want to go to class with a big hangover"

"It's a beautiful night you know, maybe I should sleep here"

"Jenna no please" Jenna fell asleep and I was screwed I couldn't leave her here there's a possible someone could come and rape her.

"Having trouble princess" I looked up seeing Ashton leaning against the wooden staircase leading up to the house smirking

"Don't start with me Irwin, I don't need this right now I've got class in the morning" I tried to wake Jenna up but she wouldn't wake up. I noticed Ashton walking over and helped Jenna up carrying her bridal style he walked past me and I stood there confused. Ashton turned around and said

"You coming or not princess"? I caught up to him and we both walked down the street back to the building.

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