Chapter 28

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“I wonder where Ashton is going to take you tonight just saying I think the boat date was the best one” Jenna said while sitting on her laptop working while I was applying blush.

“I don’t really mind where Ashton takes me I mean any where he takes me is perfect because I’m with him” I said fixing my hair up and turning around showing my outfit off “How’s this”?

“You look beautiful and hot as always”

“So why aren’t you spending the night with Calum or I am going to come home seeing Calum naked again”?

“Calum has training tonight and he might come over I’m not sure”

“Isn’t it strange how we ended up with the guys we never thought we would end up with” there was a knock on the door and I grabbed my shoes and like always Jenna said

“Have fun on your date but not too much fun if you do use protection”

“Will do” I opened the door shutting it behind me.

 - - -

Ashton and I were walking down the streets of the frat houses making our way to the frat house.

“So why are we going to the frat house”?

“That my love is a surprise and you will have to wait”

“Please tell me there isn’t a party or so many frat guys”

“Actually not tonight I told the guys no parties tonight and if they helped me out they will get to have 2 parties in a row”

“Doesn’t that normally happen anyway”?

“Yeah but they forget so it’s fair enough” Ashton and I walked into the house and Ashton took me upstairs into his room. Ashton opened his door but the funny thing was there was a blanket blocking the door with a little hole.

“What did you do this time”?

“Crawl through and you’ll find out” I got down crawling into the room with Ashton behind me knowing he was staring at my ass, when I got to the middle I saw blankets over chairs and holding up really well with fairy lights. There was a mattress and I noticed a little table with pillows as seats and Ashton’s TV with my favourite movies only mine but I did notice Lego Movie and I knew Ashton would want to watch that again. I sat down looking at everything it was perfect like always and you could tell how much effort Ashton he put into it. I looked down and Ashton leaned in giving me a kiss before I could speak. He pulled away smiling

“Happy six months baby”

“I can’t believe how much effort you put into this”

“Well I wanted this to be special”

“Well it is and I love it” I gave him a kiss and I said “So what’s for dinner”?

“If you follow me this way dinner is already served” I sat down with Ashton and we ate dinner which was yummy.

“Now for desert” Ashton walked over to the esky and got out two bowls of ice cream making me laugh.

“Wow this is lovely”

“So I’m sorry about today with the article you know I just want to start your career”

“I know Ashton and I’m thankful that you mentioned that to the boss because I think it would take me a long time to give him something”

“So what movie do you want to watch”?

“You know what I know how much you love this movie so let’s start with Lego movie”

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