Chapter 22

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Today was the last day to spend with the families before they had to leave later in the afternoon, I didn’t want my family to leave I miss them too much. Mum and Anne Marie are basically best friends and Patrick made friends and Harry said he wanted to hang out with him more. The frat boys were hosting a family party for their families and any other families that wanted to join. As always mum was talking with Anne Marie and this time dad actually had other dads to talk too and Patrick was making friends with other siblings. I was sitting on the steps having a drink waiting for Ashton to come back

“Hey Shannon” I saw Luke sitting down next to me smiling

“Hey Luke, how’s your family weekend going”?

“Oh it’s going great besides the fact that my brothers asked me if I’ve banged anyone yet and mum thinking every girl I talk to is my girlfriend” I laughed at his comment but he said “It’s not funny it’s annoying”

“If it’s annoying then why are you laughing as well?”

“Shut up” Luke said pushing me in a friendly way “How’s everything going with your family”?

“Well Dad wants to hate Ashton but can’t, mum is now best friends with Anne Marie and my brother is actually making friends”

“That’s good to hear”

“Hello kids” Michael sat taking a seat next to me smiling

“Just talking about the weekend”

“Oh it’s great isn’t it kind of feels nice not having a wild party for once”

“Michael have you seen Calum, I was trying to look for him before”

“His in his room but I wouldn’t go in there his busy making out with Jenna and he even locked the door”

“Looks like Jenna’s getting laid” I said taking a sip of my drink. The rest of the afternoon was just basically me, Luke and Michael talking.

 - - -

Once the families left the frat boys threw a party which wasn’t surprising. The party was the same as always but everyone was having fun, Ashton had me leaning against the wall talking to each other

“Let’s get out of here it’s too loud” I nodded my head and Ashton took my hand taking me who knows where but I noticed he was taking me on top of the roof. Ashton helped me up and the view was amazing Ashton helped me up and the view was amazing.

“Amazing isn’t it”?

“Yeah do you always come up here”?

“When I want to be alone or to think”

“So why did you bring me up here”?

“Because I just want to show you my special place with my special person” Ashton said putting his arm around me pulling me close and kissing me on the head.

“So I’ve been needing to ask, what does your mum think of me”?

“My mum loves you, she’s basically adores you and just hopes I don’t let you go”

“I hope I don’t let you go either” I said resting my head on his shoulder enjoying the view. I didn’t want to let him go at all he was the best thing that happened to me.

“So does your dad hate me”?

“No you’re the first guy he likes and he told me if we broke up he would hate all my relationships after and that includes me husband”

“Well that’s nice to hear”

“You should be thankful”

“Oh trust me I am” Ashton and I were sitting on top of the roof for a while talking about random things and how our families were getting along. When we got down from the roof we both headed to Ashton’s room to sleep.

Crazy in Love || A.ITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon