Chapter 9

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When I returned to college the next day late in the afternoon it was peaceful without students running to get to class instead it was just empty and seeing students leaning against trees reading probably enjoying the quiet.

“Hey Shannon wait up”! I heard that thick Aussie accent that I knew very well, I turned around seeing Ashton wearing his normal gear when his on campus but he was also covered in paint.

“What happened to you Irwin”?

“Oh I was in the art room all day and my teacher had to take me out of there”?

“Still working on that project I’m guessing”

“Well yeah I want it to be perfect because the date I’m taking you on is already sorted out”

“You know your teacher could be a dick and fail you so don’t be so keen on that date”

“My teacher isn’t a dick he likes me and likes my work so I’m just telling you now don’t over dress just wear something causal but still cute” I rolled my eyes and said

“Well I’m going to go now trouble, I’ll see you when I next run into you” I turned around walking back into my building but noticed Ashton was walking beside you “Why are you following me”?

“Well I thought I would be a gentleman and walk a pretty lady to her dorm”

“Okay fair enough”

“So where were you this weekend I didn’t see you around” I looked at Ashton raising an eyebrow why did he want to know and how did he know I left. “Uh not that I was looking for you or anything”

“Right, well I went home”

“Why did you miss home that much”?

“Not exactly I promised my little brother Patrick that I would come visit him just this weekend for a treat which I enjoyed”

“That’s good to hear so how is your brother since you’ve left”?

“His been getting better just hope he doesn’t do anything stupid like the last time” I said regretting that I mention my brother having problems that I shouldn’t mention.

“What do you mean”?

“Uh don’t worry personal stuff that I shouldn’t have mentioned” we were in front of my building and I looked at Ashton and said “Sure you don’t want to take me to my room”?

“Nah I think you can handle that from here”

“Alright guess I’ll see you whenever”

“Guess so” we stood there for a while just staring at each other smiling at each other which was strange, I shook out of it and said

“Yeah I’m gonna go”

“Right, sorry” Ashton walked backwards and when he turned around he hit ran into a pole making me laugh. He turned back around trying to act cool like it never happened.

 - - -

I opened the door to the dorm to see a boy with brown hair sitting on the bed looking like a lost puppy he looked up and had brown eyes but why was he here?

“Hi you must be Shannon” he said getting up from his bed shaking my hand

“Uh yeah hi and you are”?

“Oh sorry where are my manners I’m Chayce, Jenna’s boyfriend I surprised her yesterday and were about to go out for dinner”

“Okay, so where’s Jenna”? I asked sitting on my bed taking my shoes off

“She went down to the bathrooms to have a shower she will be back soon”

“Alright then”

“Can I ask you a question”? Chayce asked being shy

“Course you can what’s up”?

“Jenna hasn’t been cheating on me has she, I mean I know it’s only been a week but I know what college is like and I worry too much”

“No she hasn’t cheated she never shuts up about you”

“Well that’s good I’m just worried about that Calum guy she told me about” I laughed at Chayce, he was adorable being a worried boyfriend

“Listen Chayce don’t worry about Calum I’ve got my eye on him and as long as I’m around he won’t flirt with Jenna”

“Alright good, thank you Shannon” I smiled at Chayce and a second later Jenna came in the door. She looked at me

“Shannon your back I see you’ve meet Chayce”

“Yes I have and I approve” I said laughing with Jenna

“Alright well I’m already to go I just need to grab my shoes and we can go” Jenna grabbed her shoes and bag and before she left with Chayce she turned and said

“Are you going to be fine alone”?

“Yeah I’m pretty tied so I’ll probably fall asleep go have fun kids but if you decide to have sex at least do it in the car because I don’t want to wake up to moaning and screaming”

“We will keep that in mind” Chayce said

“Have fun you two” they shut the door and I lay back on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking about everything but before I fell asleep the last thing or should I say person I thought of was none other than Ashton.

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