Chapter 24

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My job interview was today and I was so nervous, Ashton was lying on the bed while I kept getting dressed finding the perfect outfit.

“Babe just wear whatever”

“Ashton I can’t this is a job interview I have to dress smart” Ashton rolled his eyes and I kept looking in my wardrobe and finally I noticed an outfit that will make me look smart. I got dressed into a dress that was tight but still comfy, I grabbed heels and I turned around looking at Ashton.

“How’s this”? Ashton looked up and his eyes widen “What”?

“I’m so glad you’re not a teacher because I would have the biggest crush on you and having dirty thoughts” I walked over to him standing in between his legs, wrapping my arms around his neck

“Is that so Mr. Irwin” I said smirking

“This is teasing” Ashton said pouting

“You know if I didn’t have a job interview I would so screw you right now”

“Then do it” Ashton said bitting his lip but I rolled my eyes kissing him. I stood up grabbing my bag looking at Ashton.

“You coming”? I asked

“Uh I don’t think I can stand up know because of what you just did”

“Ashton, really can’t you just fix it in the car when I’m doing my job interview”

“Shannon, people will give me strange looks” I rolled my eyes dropping my bag and tying my hair up kneeling down “Wow what are you doing”?

“Fixing it duh, not shut up” I pulled Ashton pants and boxers down quickly fixing his little friend.

  - - -

“So I’m just supposed to wait here while you have a job interview”? Ashton asked me sitting in his car

“It will only take 10 minutes just wait here and maybe jack off”


“I gotta go wish me luck” I leaned in giving Ashton a kiss and jumped out of the car walking to the building, I fixed myself up a bit and walked into the building making my way to the front desk, a lady with red hair looked up at me smiling

“Hi how can I help you”?

“I’m here for the internship; I’m here to see Mr. Parker”?

“Oh you must be Shannon Montgomery just take the elevator and his on the top level”

“Thank you” I made my way to the elevator, I took deep breaths calming myself down this was my one shot and I didn’t want to let Mr. Xavier down.

The elevator dinged and soon opened seeing people working hard I knew this job was going to be hard working, I made my way to the office that had Mr. Parker on the front soon knocking on the door.

“Come in” I heard a deep voice say, I opened the door and saw a man who looked like he was in his 30’s. He looked up from his work and said

“Well hello you must be Shannon Montgomery”

“I am hi it’s nice to meet you” I said really nervous

“Take a seat” I nodded taking a seat and Mr. Parker was a good looking bloke if I was near his age and wasn’t dating Ashton I would snog him. “So my friend and also your teacher Mr. Xavier tells me you’re really talented and thinks this will be a great start to your future career”

“He really said that”? I said, Mr. Parker nodded standing up sitting in the seat next to me

“He really did now the last essay you handed it told me to hire you straight away Miss Montgomery your essay was so detailed and your interview with Ashton Irwin was beautiful, is he a friend of yours”?

“Yeah his actually my boyfriend his an art major”

“Oh dating an art major good job Miss Montgomery”

“Thank you sir”

“Now back to your interview, I want to know what you want as a career I know you want to be a writer but what type”?

“I want to be an author like the famous ones that have number one bestselling books”

“Sounds interesting Miss Montgomery, you know you seem interesting and I think you will be perfect for this internship even if you start off with a little job but if you have an article you want us to publish have a go write one”

“So I got the job” Mr. Parker nodded making me smile

“No way, oh my gosh sir thank you so much I won’t let you down” I shook his hand and made my way out of his office and quickly running down to the car where Ashton was listening to the radio, I jumped in the car and smiled at him

“How did it go”?

“I got the job Ashton”

“That’s great, let’s celebrate” I grabbed Ashton by the shirt pulling him close

“I was thinking of a different way to celebrate Mr. Irwin”

“Celebration sex” Ashton said making his voice high pitch, I nodded my head and Ashton started the car up again and drove back to the frat house.

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