Chapter 18

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My head was hurting and I woke up in a room that smelt like Ashton and once I opened my eyes, I knew this wasn't my room. I turned around and I was face to face with a sleepy Ashton and the memories that happened last night came flooding through my head, making Ashton jealous and us  kissing which I still can't believe happened and it did make me realise that I did like Ashton and I knew I couldn't hide it anymore. I saw Ashton was waking up so I quickly fixed my hair and turned back around with my back facing him which I have no clue why. I felt Ashton move around a bit but he stopped for a second and I felt Ashton wrapping his arms around me pulling me close.

"I know you're awake" he told me snuggling up to me more and started kissing my shoulder.

"How did you know"? I asked

"Just have a lucky guess or the fact that I saw you fix your hair and roll around with your back to me" I turned around looking at Ashton who was smiling at me but he soon smirked again.

"What"? I asked

"I told you, you would fall for me"? I rolled my eyes and said

"How do you know if I did or not, this could just be a one night thing?"

"You wanna know how I know"? Ashton asked wrapping his arms around my waist, I nodded and he said "Because you kissed me back last night and plus you tried to make me jealous"

"And it worked" I told him smiling and giving him a kiss on the forehead, I soon decided to get up putting my dress back on while Ashton stood there still smiling at me. "What is it now"?

"Nothing, you're just beautiful"

"Alright Irwin, I think I'm gonna go now" I said grabbing my shoes heading for the door but Ashton beat me to it.

"You're not leaving without giving me a kiss" he said leaning in about to kiss me, but I decided to tease him. I put my finger to his lips and he opened his eyes looking confused but I smirked

"I don't think so" I winked at him opening the door and walking away, I made my way downstairs about to leave but I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and I was soon spun around being pulled into a kiss. I pulled away and Ashton stood there and said

"I'm not letting you get away that easy"

Ashton decided to cook me breakfast at the frat house so it was entertainment watching him cook bacon and eggs.

"You sure you don't want any help, Ash"? I asked seeing Ashton almost burning the bacon, Ashton turned around and said

"I'm fine breakfast is ready anyway" Ashton platted breakfast for me, making his way over to me like a waiter. "Yummy breakfast for a beautiful girl" Ashton leaned in giving me a kiss and it didn't last that long once Luke's voice filled the room.

"Finally they're together" Ashton pulled away seeing not only Luke there but Michael who was smirking once again.

"I knew my plan and Calum's plan would work once again"

"What plan Michael"? Ashton asked confused

"Well the jealous thing was my idea and then Calum's idea was to get you two to plan truth or dare and if you picked dare then you would have gone into Ashton room and made out, I am right"? Ashton and I looked at each other; Ashton just looked back up at Michael

"I've got to stop teaching you guy's things" Ashton said walking over to the kitchen, once breakfast was done, I grabbed my shoes and Ashton walked me back to my room.

Ashton and I were walking down the hall way holding hands towards my room, I wasn't sure if Ashton and I were dating now like are we official or is this just a thing? For the moment I won't ask I'm enjoying this too much.

"So I was wondering since we made up does this mean were still on for our second date" Ashton asked swinging our arms back and forth smiling.

"I don't know does it"? I said smirking

"I hope so because we had fun on our first date" Ashton said

"I don't know Irwin, I don't think you can top that date" I turned to Ashton stopping outside my room

"Try me" Ashton said wrapping his arm around my waist pinning me against the door smirking, he was leaning in about to kiss me but since my hand was on the door handle I opened it making me fall back but luckily Ashton caught me.

"Thanks" I said catching my breath at the thought of me falling. Ashton and I were staring at each other smiling and the sound of a clear throat made us pull apart from each other, we turned not seeing Jenna in bed but Calum was there as well but this time Calum was sitting on the floor and not in bed with Jenna and he had clothes on.

"Calum why are you here"? Calum stood up and said

"Well since you guys never came back down which I figured my plan worked getting you guys to finally get together so I took Jenna here who was drunk back to her room and yeah we made out but we didn't have sex I swear because Jenna isn't some girl I want to have sex then ditch she's different" Calum said looking back smiling at Jenna who was sleeping peacefully.

"So let's get this straight you didn't get her drunk at all like you did that one time"?

"No of course not, I just took her home and made out she wanted to go far but I didn't want to not while she's drunk" I stepped forward putting my hand on Calum's forehead

"Are you sure you're alright Calum"?

"Very funny Shannon I'll see you later" Calum said walking past us, I turned around looking at Ashton he smiled back at me

"I will see you later because I want to discuss about our second date" Ashton gave me a peck on the lips and he soon left with Calum, I shut the door behind me and I turned around shutting the door behind me seeing Jenna was waking up. She sat up and said

"Alright what the hell happened last night?" I smiled and said

"Oh Jenna, let's just say it's a long story"

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