Chapter 30

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When it came to Monday afternoon I was nervous about arriving to work either I got my article in the magazine or I didn’t, if I didn’t then that’s okay I can learn from it. I was going up to the elevator and when it dinged I walked into the office and the first person running up to me was Zoe.

“Your article is amazing Shannon it made me realise how thankful I am” wait Zoe read my article

“Oh thank you” I saw Mr. Parker walking out of the office walking towards me

“Miss Montgomery here” he handed me the magazine and right there on the page was my article about love this article that came at the top of my mind was right in front of me in a magazine. I heard clapping and Mr Parker stood there and said “Congrats Miss Montgomery this is going to be a real seller I can feel it” Mr Parker walked off and all the women surrounded me and told me how great the article was and how thankful they are to have their husband or boyfriend in their life.

“What made you write this article”? Asked one of the ladies I smiled at the thought of Ashton because the night of our 6 months I realised I love him and he was the reason of this article.

“It was that Ashton fellow wasn’t it”? Asked Holly smiling at me

“Yeah I mean if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have an article in a magazine, I guess I’m lucky and I’m going to thank him once I get back” they all awed again and we got back to work. I guess I had more confidence in myself showing my boss more articles I wrote.

 - - -

I ran to the frat house knocking on the door and Luke opened the door. Luke was confused

“Shannon why are you here”?

“Where’s Ashton”?

“In his room” I pushed past Luke running upstairs going to Ashton’s room and I opened it seeing Ashton painting.

“Shannon” I ran up to him jumping on him making us fall onto his bed I started kissing him

“Wow, I love getting kisses from you but what’s going on”?

“You deserve it, Ashton I made it into the magazine look” I sat up giving him the magazine and told him what page, Ashton sat up and read it. Once he read it he looked up at me smiling

“I’m so proud of you; you know what tonight we should celebrate you, me, Jenna, the other guys”

“By other guys you mean Michael, Luke and Calum right not the whole frat house”

“Of course so I’ll pick you and Jenna up at 8”?

“Deal” I leaned in giving him a quick kiss and soon left.

 - - -

The six of us all walked into the night club at the back of the club sitting down, Michael ran off with Luke grabbing drinks for us leaving the couples together. Calum and Jenna were in there own conversation Ashton put his arm over my shoulder I looked at him and all he did was smile that cute smile that made me fall for him.

“What”? I asked

“I’m so proud of you and tonight is all about you”


“I think this article that you wrote will be famous but if you become a successful writing at this moment just don’t forget about me”

“How can I forget about you, you’re my amazing boyfriend that made this possible?” I leaned in giving him a kiss and Michael soon interrupted us

“Alright love birds the sooner you get drunk, the sooner you can head home and have drunk sex” I rolled my eyes at Michael, We all grabbed a shot and Ashton said

“Here is to my beautiful girlfriends future career because she deserves it” We all took the shot and this was the start to my wild night and it was all thanks to Michael for getting lots of drinks and getting everyone drunk.

 - - -

I was gone the alcohol hit me hard and I was drunk, I knew when I woke up tomorrow I would have a big headache but at the moment I didn’t care I was having a fun night. Jenna and I were dancing on the bar table along with other girls while having drinks in our hand.  We were dancing to some song that sounded like J-LO and I’m pretty sure I heard that chick that sings Fancy as well. I saw Ashton making his way towards me and he said

“Shannon get down from there boys keep staring at you” I laughed at Ashton at him being jealous and said

“But baby I’m having fun plus you’re my number one not number two”

“Maybe we should take you home” I was hammered and Ashton was sober, I jumped down from the bar and Ashton wrapped his arm around my waist taking me outside the club. I kept playing with Ashton’s hair it was so fluffy I never noticed that until now. “Just stay still try not to fall I’m just going to call a taxi” I nodded but once Ashton let go of me I fell. “Shit Shannon” Ashton said trying to help me up while he was on the phone. Ashton wrapped one arm around me making sure I wouldn’t fall again.

 - - -

Ashton opened the room to my door and without thinking being my drunk self, pinned Ashton to the wall and started kissing him but Ashton seemed to push me away making me hurt.


“Baby your drunk you need to sleep”

“But Ashton” I said trying to kiss him, this was the plan get drunk and have drunk sex that’s what happens when you go clubbing.

“Listen I’ll cuddle with you and stay with you but just not tonight” I nodded taking my dress off and getting into bed, Ashton stripped down into his boxers and got into bed wrapping his arms around me while I laid on his chest he played with my hair but I couldn’t fall asleep. “Babe”


“Can you sing to me so I can fall asleep?”

“Sure baby what song”?

“Can you sing Green Day it reminds me of our first date”

“Sure” Ashton stroked my hair and sang Wake me up when September ends reminding me of my date with Ashton at the concert and me realising that I really liked Ashton.

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I liked how this chapter ended :) I need an Ashton Irwin in my life like damnn anyway sorry Chapter 29 was short but I gave you a double update :)

I've also posted a new Michael fanfic and I think it's going to be epic I'm hoping :)

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