Chapter 12

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The next morning when I woke up I saw that Calum was gone and Jenna was still sleeping I was curious as to why I found them two in bed but they weren’t naked they all cuddled up sleeping like a cute couple. What happened to Chayce?

“Oi psst Jenna wake up”

“Go away” I rolled my eyes and said

“Jenna, get up your late for class”

“Shit” Jenna said getting up straight away

“Calm down Jen I just needed to talk to you” Jenna got back in her bed just looking at me

“What’s up”?

“So I came back last night and I was wondering why was Calum in your bed all cuddled up with you”

"Oh that well um about that, you see you know how I said Chayce kept calling me all week that was because he cheated on me and I basically broke up with him and well I went for a walk ran into Calum and we had a movie night together and must have fallen asleep”

“Well just saying you had the biggest smile on your face when he had his arms around you”

“Shut the hell up, I know Calum feels that way about me but nothing is going to happen between us”

“Yeah sure” Jenna rolled her eyes throwing the pillow at me

“Shut up, how did your art show go? Did you find some artists to interview”?

“Yeah I did” I said looking at the ground not realising I was smiling

“Oh my gosh your smiling, was he cute”? Jenna asked, I didn’t really want to tell Jenna that I might be having feelings towards Ashton.

“Yeah he was cute”

“What’s his name, does he go here”?

“Yes he does and no I’m not going to tell you his name”

“Oh you big party pooper”

“I know I am” Jenna rolled her eyes making me laugh, I knew her and Calum would end up together somehow it may not be now but soon it will happen.

 - - -

I was sitting against the tree later after class still writing my essay which had to be perfect and was due in two weeks.

“Hey gorgeous” I saw Ashton sitting next to me putting an arm around me and this time I didn’t remove it, I just let him.


“So how’s your essay coming along”? He asked

“Yeah it’s getting there just has to be perfect”

“Well I’m sure whatever you write will be perfect” I couldn’t help but blush he knew the right things to say.

“So anyway not sounding rude but why are you here”?

“Oh I wanted to talk about our date Friday night”

“Alright what about it”? I said putting my book away

“Well wear comfy shoes, wear jeans because it will get cold at night and if you have a band shirt wear that”

“Where the hell are you taking me”? I asked but Ashton just smiled at me

“I’ll see you Friday night” Ashton leaned in giving me a kiss on the cheek and he got up, tripping over basically thin air making me laugh. But the question on my mind was the hell is Ashton taking me on Friday?

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Where do you think Ashton is taking Shannon? Find out soon :D

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