Walking Decay

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Imagine waking up with flesh eating people, you have no idea what's going on. One tries to eat you, do you run? Or kill it...

Around here you will kill it... running could kill you... no escape only fighting...

In a mall, looking for supplies and I walked in a car shop to see if there was any tools we could find for weapons and to see if a car works cause lord knows we need one.

"Carter!" Julia screamed on top of her lungs. I went behind her to cover her mouth "shh, you don't want to call them " I whispered "Call who, the dead?" she mocked.

"Well if you get bit, that's your fault," I said laughing. She giggled and we jumped on top of the roof of a car. "Carter, Julia stop laughing so loud," Ronny said walking in ruining our friend moment. " Does it work?" he asked pointing at the car.

I shrugged my shoulders and jumped down with Julia and we started messing with the car and some how it did work. "Good, we could tell the group about this" Julia said walking out.

I started following behind, than Ronny grabbed my wrist "Carter, we need to talk," he said getting really super close to me. "About what?" I asked and he responded "Us..." "Later" I quickly responded and went to turn and walk but he wouldn't let go "Carter, you and I both know we aren't surviving long" he continued "You need to understand its almost over, the world is over." "Did you get bit or something?" I asked "No?" he questioned and I said "than don't talk about that" and he said " You know it will happen just remember that...

Just remember that....

Walking DecayWhere stories live. Discover now