'nobody gotta know'

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Youre POV

*"what the hell did corbyn told you?" You asked jack. Jack go's with his hand true his hair and says "he didnt say anything. He texted me and told me that he liked someone besides christina" shit forgot about her. "And that it must be illegal. So it must be you. Besides, i see the way you look at eachother." He says. "Jack, i dont know what to say to you" you bite on youre lip. "Well. Just tell me the Truth. Cause zach thinks you like him. And the others think that you like me and i know you like corbyn." He looked at youre eyes while he says that. You look at the ground and asked "can you keep a secret?" He awnserd with "Yes, ofcourse" you looked at youre and his shoes and say "i like corbyn. But i cant. First, its illegal. Second, he also loves Christina. 3, Nobody can ever know. I always had a crush for zach. I still have. I know i love corbyn more but i cant. I need to hide those feelings. But i dont have to hide my feelings die zach. So i decided to do something with them. And you? Yeah youre my type, but... ive never seen you as a boy wil you could have a serious relation ship with." He looked deep in youre eyes and took a step closer and says "how did you see me then?" You looked at him and said "someone who just try thinks with. And that we both knew it was just trying. And that Nobody would know about it." He took a step closer and asked "what kind of thinks would we do then?" You looked at his lips and said "kissing and kissing". He took a step closer and asked "only kissing? Just kissing?". You looked at his eyes and said "maybe also..." He kissed you on youre lips. You pushed him away and said mad "dude. What the hell are you doing? I cant handle 3 boys a day!" He looked Confused and says "but...I tought...c'mon. I know you liked the kiss. Nobody gotta know" you looked serious and said "listen. This cant happen Again. Just be a good friend and help me with the drama or hang with me. Not kiss me on the lips. I know this was a moment. But stil. We cant. You cant. I cant. We just cant. Can we just be friends?" He looked stil Confused but smiles and says "Yeah. But lets make a deal. If im older 40 and youre 40, lets be together. And a other deal. If you need a boy to make someone jelous. I'll be there for you. Oke?" "Deal" "oke. Lets call it  'nobody gotta know' . " "sounds good" you smile and gave him a hug. "So what should i do" you asked him serious. "Corbyn loves you. I know that. I dont want to get my friends hurt. So be carefull" he says while he gave you a other hug.

𝑰𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒍 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 (𝑨 𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒚𝒏 𝑭𝒂𝒏𝑭𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒆)Where stories live. Discover now