Chapter 9

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Here I am for a fabulous triple update weekend. If you're unfamiliar with it, it means every weekend I will upload three or more chapters, nothing less than three. It all depends on how creative I feel.

Nico's POV

The rest of the day was amazing. I'd completely forgotten about the messages. I went to Percy's house to hang out and do homework after school. Sally made the best dinner too. I felt like walking home cause Bianca didn't want me staying over and I wanted to walk tonight. It was beautiful. Percy wanted to come but I said I'd be fine. I was halfway there and I passed the brick wall that surrounds the park. I heard rustling and soft footsteps before I was shoved against it. I couldn't see who it was, my face and chest were to the wall. They covered my mouth with their hand and with their other, they held my wrists tightly together. I struggled before they kicked me hard to stop.

"Listen here," they hissed in my ear. I didn't recognize the voice. "I'm going to let you go, but I promise I won't hurt you. Just stay still. Ok? And I could easily take you down if you run."

I nodded, not wanting to get hurt. My heart was beating fast. I was breathing hard and I was sweating. I saw the person, well I knew they were a girl now, she had a mask on covering most of her face. She grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. I was too shocked to respond.

"I've always wanted to do that Di Angelo..." She whispered before running off. 

I sunk to the ground and called Bianca. I was closer to Percy's house and I really needed to talk to him.

"Hey uh... I'm gonna stay at Percy's tonight." I said and hanging up before hearing her protests.

I sprinted back to Percy's house and rang the bell. Percy answered and when he saw me, was shocked.

"What happened to you? Your face is scratched!" He said worriedly.

"Can I... Come in..?" I panted, out of breath from running all the way here.

He pulled me inside and upstairs to his room. He sat me on the bed before bombarding me with questions.

"Calm down. Let me explain." I'd told him all that'd happened from the moment I left his house.

"What?! Who would do that?"

"I don't know. At one point I'd thought it was Annabeth cause she wasn't here but I don't really know. Oh plus I've been getting threats all day..."

"WHAT?!?!" he screamed.

I nodded and showed him the messages.

-you better watch your back, we're coming for you-

-I have a knife and your neck is the target-

-enjoy your week. It'll be your last-

There were a couple more too. Percy was freaking out.

"All from different numbers?!? What the hell! Why didn't you tell me earlier?! What the fuck is going on!?!?!?!?" He yelled.


"SORRY!" he called back.

Either way we spent the rest of night either talking about that, kissing, or, my favorite, sleeping.

~time skip of epic PRoPortIONs~

I woke to a glorious Friday morning. Me and Percy hurriedly got ready for school and had amazing blue pancakes. We walked to the school cause we got ready early and it was too nice out to miss the chance.

"Sooo are you gonna be overprotective and question Annabeth or are you gonna be good?" I ask, holding his hand.

"I don't know. She texted me saying she wasn't gonna be here today, her fever didn't go down."

"Oh. Well let's say it wasn't her. Who else would it be? I rule out Piper, the girl was shorter than her."

"And definitely not Hazel, she's too sweet to do that."

We continue thinking until we're almost there and my phone buzzes. Another message.

-Meet me after school and bring no one. If you don't show up, we have our ways of making you come-

I tensed a little. Percy grabbed my phone and texted back,


"Percy! Are you crazy!?" I say, quite scared.

"Don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt you." He said, wrapping an arm around my waist.

We made it to the school and in the crowd of people rushing to class I heard a whisper in my ear,

"Tell your boy to calm down or I'll slit his throat."

Before disappearing into the crowd. I turned and looked around frantically but I saw no one in particular getting away faster than usual. I shivered and told Percy. Before he screamed I covered his mouth.

"Calm down. We'll talk during lunch."

~at lunch~

Percy drags me out the cafeteria and into the bathroom. He checks all the stalls before shutting the door.


I take a deep breath. "I'm terrified. Percy. Please. I'm not trying to be selfish but this has been happening to me, not you. Have you thought about how scared I am instead of how its going to effect you?"

He sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm not used to all this happening. I'm just worried, you know?"

I nod. We go back into the cafe and sit down with everyone. This day better go by slow...


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