Chapter 22

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Nico's POV

The spotlight hits me and Percy laughs, saying bye to Ethan and pushing me to the dance floor. I grab his hand and pull him into the multicolored spotlight circle with me. He leads our crazy messed up dance which somehow stayed in tune to the fast techno music. After the song was over a new one immediately played and people cheered us on to continue dancing. Percy spun me around, dipped me and gave me a big kiss in which more cheers erupted. I laughed as we spun around more, moving our feet quickly around and around to the music. After a while I got tired and my dancing slowed a little, so I messed up more frequently. Percy noticed and scooped me up in his arms, carrying me back to the bar to relax a bit.

"That was hellishly fun." He grinned, taking a sip of some electric blue drink.

I nod. "I wonder how the others are doing."

"Same." He shrugs.

Soon a group of guys stumble over to the bar, uncomfortably close to us, completely drunk. I see one of them lock eyes with Percy for a second before Percy turns away, shaking his head.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"Luke Castellan. Old crush from a few years back. No one special anymore." He sighs.
"Just a crush?" I question.

"Ok ok we dated a couple months before he moved away. I don't know what he's doing back here."

"Well ask him. Cause he's coming over here." I say, rather pissed off.

He has blond hair, green eyes and a scar running down his cheek, also wearing jeans and a normal orange T-shirt. He walks over and stands in front of Percy, completely ignoring me.

"Long time no see babe. What's up?" He smirks.

"Don't call me 'babe.' We aren't together." Percy said.

"Aww. Well I thought we would still be. You were so desperate for me back then I expected your heart to belong to me still." He said.

"Well he's not with you. Nor does his heart belong to you." I snapped.

"And who would you be princess?"

"Nico. His boyfriend." I practically growled.

"Boyfriend? Hm. Good job Perce."

He ruffled my hair and I slapped his hand away. "Not to intrude on your date or anything, so sorry for that princess by the way, but I just hoped I could have another dance with him."

"Fuck no." I snapped again. "And stop calling me princess!"

"But it suits your girly features." He smirked again.

"Leave him alone Luke." Percy said.

"Fine fine." He raised his hands in mock surrender and walked off. But before he did he called back, "By the way princess I was his first!" He laughed and disappeared into the crowd with his friends.

"Fucking shit..." Percy mumbled, hanging his head. "I'm sorry for that."

"Don't be sorry. All ex's are assholes." I say. "Besides I'm not leaving your side as long as you leave mine."

"I know and I won't. I'm just sorry you had to hear that."

"What? That he was your first? I couldn't care less. Even if you fucked fifteen different people before mean I don't care. That was then and this is now." I say, lifting his head and kissing him.

"Yeah... Thanks by the way." He smiles.

"Oh shush. Just promise not to call me princess."

"I won't. Cause you're already my kitten. My prince. My king." He teases.

"Yeah yeah and your my knight."

He laughs and kisses me, and I slip my arms around his neck. "I love you." He says.

"I love you too. Now let's go find the other idiots. It's getting a little late." I say.

He nods and we look through the crowd. We find the boys easy, they were dancing in the center, salsaing again. I grabbed their hands and we went to search for the girls. We found them in a back corner, grinding against each other and making out. Percy covered my eyes and turned me away and I laughed.

"Hey love birds!" He called. "Let's go!"

"PERCY!" I heard Annabeth yell.

We all laughed and headed back to the car. That was some night. Percy dropped everyone off and instead of taking me home he drove down some unfamiliar road.

"Do me a favor and tell Bianca you're gonna be spending the night at my place."

I nod and text her. "Ok but where are we going?"

"Its a surprise." He smiles.

We drive for another fifteen minutes, up a mountain road. He parks the car near a ledge, overlooking the whole town. The lights were shinning and it was just a beautiful view.

"Oh my god..." I say in awe. "Its amazing."

"Yeah.." Percy's scratches the back of Hus neck shyly almost.

"Thank you." I say, leaving over and kissing him.

He smiles into the kiss and deepens it. He pulls me over into his lap and bites my lip, asking for entrance. I open my mouth slightly and his tounge roams everywhere. I pulled off for a breath and before I could connect our lips again, he started biting at my neck.

"Percy you aren't going to do this in a freakin car." I say.

"Fine fine.." He smiles, putting me back in my seat and starting the car again.

We drive back to his house but all I remember on that drive back is seeing two bright headlights coming right at us.

"PERRCCYY!!" I scream as everything goes black.


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