Chapter 25

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Percy's POV

I wake up around 8 am. Me and Nico must've dozed off while watching TV last night.. I look next to me and see Nico curled up, softly snoring. I smile and kiss his head, pulling a blanket over him and shutting the TV. He groans and shifts before starting to shake a little. I quickly try to wake him up but he instead sits up quickly, panting.

"Hey!" I say. "Nico are you ok?"

He nods, still shaking. "I'm ok... Just a nightmare..." He breathes.

"You wanna tell me about it?" I ask, holding him close to me.

"There was this thing chasing me through the woods... I.. I tripped and I c-couldn't do anything. I-I w-was a-alone and no o-one was t-there to help m-me... All I c-could do was sc-scream." He said, choking back tears.

I rubbed his back and kissed his forehead. "Hey its ok... I'm not gonna leave you."


"Never. I wouldn't dream of it."

He smiled and I leaned down to kiss him. He kissed back and it was all just love and reassurance that I'm not going anywhere. I was glad it was Sunday cause I did not want to go anywhere.

"What do you want to do today?" I said after a while of just cuddling.

"Do you wanna hang out with everyone else?" Nico asks me.

"Sure. Let's go." I say, texting everyone to meet at Jason's house cause dam that place is huge.

We all gathered outside his house and knocked on the door multiple times til Jason threw it open, hair a mess and still in his pj's. He stared at the seven of us in shock.

"What-" he began before we ran in and made ourselves comfortable. "What are you doing here?!" He yelled.

"What? We can't hang with our buddy?" I ask innocently.

"Percy you are so fucking lucky my parents went out for the day. But we'll have to deal with my sister."

"JASON! WHO WAS AT THE DOOR?" We heard Thalia scream from upstairs.

"Goddammit." He groaned. "Just my friends Thal! No worries!" He called back.

I heard footsteps and the running down the stairs. She ran up to us and jumped onto the couch. She closely examined all of us, we've all met her except Nico but it should be fine. She's really punk-rock like but she also has her good side so we prefer to stay on it.

"You." She points at Nico who's sitting next to me. "Name."

"Nico.." He says.

"You single?" She asks.


"Who's the girl?"

"Not a girl..." He says a little shyly.

"Dammit. Who's the guy then?"

"He's mine." I say, pulling Nico into my lap.

She smiles. "Treat him good Perce. He's a keeper."

I nod. "So we were all summoned here to play a royal and most sofisticated game of Truth or Dare." I state in a snobby accent.

"Ooo. I like it." Thalia grins. "I'm going first. Jason truth or dare?"

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