Chapter 29

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Hey guys... I think I may or may not be ending it soon. Maybe chapter 32 will be the last. But no worries, you know I'll always have something new!

Nico's POV

It was a cool Friday morning and I took a deep breath. A beautiful Spring morning for that matter. On my way to school was another story, Percy stayed home sick because of some crap he ate the night before, and since it was so nice I decided to walk. There was that new kid, Michael or something and he was a complete jerk to me and Percy. Bianca was dating him now apparently but I didn't tell her about how he treats us cause she seemed happy with him. Anyways, I was walking to school when he pulls up to the curb in his car, almost hitting me. I jump out of the way and huff in annoyance before walking on.

"HEY BITCH, C'MERE!" he shouts from his car and his asshole friends laugh.

I roll my eyes and ignore them before I hear car doors slam and footsteps. I was about to run before one grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face them.

"When I say c'mere, you'll come you bitch." He snaps.

"I'm not a bitch..." I grumble under my breath.

"What was that? Speak up!" He shouted and kneed me in the stomach.

I doubled over and hissed in pain. "I'm not... a bitch." I snap.

"Oh really? Why don't we see then?" He says and his friends laugh while one starts to pull down my jeans.

I growl and hold them up before kicking the guy in the face and running off. Two chase after me while the other three, get back to the car. I quickly gain distance between the idiots chasing me but the guys in the car quickly catch up. I sprint towards the school and around back towards the track and I see Jason doing his morning run.

"Hey Nico!" He smiles but it fades when he sees the five guys behind me. "What the hell?"

"Get out of my way Grace!" Michael yells. "That bitch fucking punched me and needs to get what he asked for!"

Jason stands in front of me and I regain my breath. "You're not going to touch him." Jason snaps.

"What the hell are you gonna do about it?" He sneers.

Jason just rolled his shoulders before kicking Michael flat in the balls. He screeched and his buddies all ganged up on Jason. I went to his side and it was a 2vs5 match yet we still stood strong. Lucky for us, Frank was walking to the gym from the back to put his football stuff away and saw us. He gave a worried expression before charging at the group and tackling two guys, almost knocking them out.

In the end they ran off, dragging their two unconscious friends with them.

"That..." I pant. "Was fun."

"You need to tell your sister to stop dating that jerk." Frank says sternly. "Things aren't going to end well."

I nod my head and we head off towards the main building to go on with our stupid school day.

~Time Skkkerp~

After school I go over to Percy's house to give him the work he missed that day. I have a key so I just go on in and find him in his room.

"Oh hey babe." He grins.

"Hiya." I smile. "I brought your homework."

He groans. "Why must you poison me?"

"Calm down, I'll help you with it."

He pulls me into his lap and hugs me. "Its just a stomach ache and a lot of puke so you probably won't get sick."

"Just don't kiss me, to be safe." I say.

"Of course." He smiles.

So we spend the rest of the day cuddled up talking about whatever subject we worked on.

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