Chapter 18

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I'm feeling nice since I didn't update last weekend so here you go <3 and there's another song I LOVEEE

Percy's POV

It was a couple days later, nothing happened at school that was interesting besides more homework and tests. I head home after dropping off Leo and Jason cause Jason got his car taken away when his parents saw Mr tryhard's sucky grades. I was lucky I got time at the end of last period to finish all my homework cause I finished my test rather quickly. Its stupid how people say whoever finishes the test first gets the worst grade, what if your just smarter than the other idiots in your class? What then? Like seriously, what if your just stupid and take longer to think? Anyways I head straight to the fridge and when I see there's no leftovers I put my cooking skills to work.

I realized I have no cooking skills after I cooked. Whatever I made was not edible no matter what. Yet here I go, trying it. I stick my fork in it and take a bite. It tasted salty and sour at the same time when it first went in my mouth but after a second it tasted actually good. I take another bite and immediately spit it out. The after taste tasted like absolute shit. I threw away my concoction and grabbed an apple. Much better. And sweeter. Less barfy taste. I took another bite and flipped on the TV. No good shows were on so I decided to be boring and check out the news.

"...escaped from the Manhattan rehabilitation center. Police are in pursuit of the escapee. More information to come tonight." The lady finished.

The rehabilitation center? Nico wouldn't try something that stupid would he? My phone started ringing. It was Jason.

"Percy did you see the news?" He asked immediately.

"Well I caught the last sentence." I tell him.

"Oh geez Percy. Your boyfriend is being chased by the cops again." He told me, hanging up.

Before I could call him back, Bianca called me.

"PERCY WHAT THE HELL?!?!" she screamed into the phone.

"You saw too?"


"Uh I have no clue but just let them search the house so they could stop bugging you-" before I went on there was knocking at the door. "Hey I gotta go. Don't worry, Nico will be alright. I promise." I reassure, hanging up.

I walk to the door and as soon as I unlock it and turn the handle, it bursts open and someone jumps behind the couch. I quickly close it, confused, and look to see who it was.

"Nico?" I asked hesitantly.

He looks up at me with a smiling face, hair a mess and his jeans are torn at the knees like he fell a while. He had minor scrapes on his arms and he was breathing hard. Nonetheless he was here, sitting behind my couch, smiling up at me.

"Sup?" He asked, panting.

"What the heck?!" I half yell.

He frowns. "What?"

"You broke out of rehabilitation?"

"Yeah. So?"

"Nico. I..." I was speechless. "Just come here."

He stood, smiling again and I hugged him. "God I love you so much." I mumbled into his hair.

"I love you too. I had to get out, I didn't belong. There's nothing wrong with me. I just wanted to be with you again."

"I missed you so much. I was a wreck whenever I got home cause you weren't right here with me."

He looked up at me and I kissed him. He kissed back just as passionately. I gently bit his bottom lip and he opened his mouth slightly, letting my tounge in.

I'm gonna leave it there cause I'm evil.
If you guys want smut just let me know. If not, I have some good drama too.

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