Chapter 26

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Nico's POV

It was Monday again, I wasn't sure what I was feeling cause I don't usually get this way for school. I shrug it off and do my daily morning routine. When I walk downstairs my dad and my mom were cooking breakfast, I went to bed last night before she got home. I go up and hug her and she kisses me good morning. My dad hands me a plate of pancakes and I out it on the table before going to wake the beauty queen.

"Bia!" I shout when I enter her room suddenly, seeing her pulling some jeans on. My face goes red and I shut the door.

"NICO KNOCK NEXT TIME!" She yells at me. "You're lucky I wasn't shirtless!"

I chuckle and go back to the food. As soon as I'm done eating, Bianca comes down, ready to go. She grabs her protein shake and we go catch the bus. But before we head towards the bus stop Percy's car pulls up and he honks at us to get in.

"Wow you got it fixed already?" I ask.

"Hell yeah. It cost extra but whatever. I'm not very patient." He shrugs.

We get in and I see Jason and Leo are in the car too. The others usually have their own way of getting to school. When we got out and went our separate ways to our lockers I saw someone in the halls I really didn't want to see. Was he really going here now?

"Hey princess, how's it going?" Luke smirked.

"Leave him alone Luke." Percy rolled his eyes, getting his stuff from his locker.

"Ah you two are cute together. But everyone needs a little fun, a little drama in their lives. So here I am." He grins.

I close my locker and me and Percy head to class ignoring the blonde. "I can't believe we have to deal with that..." I groan.

"Haha it won't be that bad. Just a pest is all he is." Percy smiled, assuring me.

I nodded and we enter the classroom, sitting down in our normal spots. During class nothing much happened except for the occasional passing of notes or texting.

"...And here is a picture of the old Victorian ladies." Our history teacher said, pulling up a photo.

"Dayum. She ain't ever gonna get some." I hear Travis Stoll joke from the back of the room, causing everyone to laugh.

"That's enough Connor." Our teacher snaps.

"Uh no ma'am. That'd be me." Connor raised his hand from where he was, next to his brother.

Those two were always cracking jokes together but everyone knew Connor was the good one and Travis... Let's just say he isn't as innocent as his younger brother. The two are twins but they were born somewhere around ten minutes apart.

After more long boring classes we went to lunch, which was much more interesting as always. Leo was showing his new little metal dragon that he bulit himself. It was a fully functional, fire-breathing, razor-clawed, flying, sharp-toothed bronze dragon that was roughly the size of a full grown chihuahua.

"This," Leo said as he showed off the dragon, "Is Festus."

"Dang." Jason said in awe. "How long did it take to build?"

"Uh.. Somewhere around a week. Maybe less..." He said.

I stared in shock. "Only a week?!"

"Yeah. Why?" He said like it was nothing.

"I... How?" I ask.

"Dude. I'm Leo Valdez. I can do anything!" He said triumphantly.

Then Festus caught on fire. Everyone jumped back in alarm but Leo just sat there, trying to cover the flame.

"I figured that'd happen.." He pouted, tinkering a little more. "Ok. That shouldn't happen again."

We all sit back down and go on chatting. Annabeth and Piper became a thing, Frank aced yet another test, Hazel found a real freaking diamond in her basement, Jason won another race, Leo had Festus, and me and Percy were planning another date.

But then again... Dates and plans usually backfire... Right?


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