chapter 5

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We flew across building to building, well, him more than me, but either way.

"Where would you like to go?" Todoroki asked, looking down at me.

"Anywhere. I have as much time as I want and I have nothing better to do." I replied.

"Wanna see a beautiful view?" He asked

"Again, anywhere. I don't care."

From that answer, he jumped from building to building, landing on a skyscraper. "Can you let go of me?" I asked.

"Why?" He asked back, smirking.

"Because I want you to let go of me," I paused for a second, "and so I could jump off." I finished.

"Nope. You gotta suffer." He replied

"I suffer everyday." I gave off an annoying vibe, he didn't care. "Listen here, Icy-bitch. I don't want you to hold on to me, I'm not that stupid to jump off on accident. So, let," I tried to jump off him, he kept his grip, "go," I tried to push him away, "OF ME!" I managed to escape his grasp but he instantly, like a reflex, grabbed on to me. "God, fucking, damnit." I sigh

"You're not escaping me." He chuckled.

"I knoooow" I sigh, rolling my eyes slightly.

"Shall we sit down?" He asked, putting him chin on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes.

"Fiiiine, just take your head and hands off me."

"As you wish." Todoroki let go of me, but dragging me down causing me to sit down on his lap. I sigh and just look at the view.

The bright city lights lit up an aura-like bubble around the buildings. I relax a bit, leaning back a bit. The night sky glowed with thousands of stars, each different size, different color, some even had multiple colors. They twinkled and danced across the sky. I kept my gaze at the line between the sky and city.

"Nice view right?" His voice made me jump a bit, almost as if I forgot he was here. I nod in response. "It's my favorite place to go during the night. A place where I could just watch and not have much to worry about." He continued, all I could to is listen. "Well, it's about time we go home. I don't trust your mother so how about staying the night at my place? You could barrow my clothing."

"Uh, sure I guess, thanks." I replied, getting up, making sure I don't slip. Todoroki got up after me, picking me up and jumping from building to, what I assume is, his house. It was huge, mansion size, all white with hints of gray and darker grays, the entrance was modern with huge pillars going around the outside of the porch. The doors were glass with white wood lining.
"You live here alone?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well yeah, I have visitors occasionally, but rarely." He replied, shrugging. He let me go and opened the door. "Make yourself at home." With that, I quickly took of my shoes and flopped on the couch,

"Damn! This is fucking comfy!" I yelled. "What's you gots to eat?" I asked, going in my phone.

"Literally anything. As, ask I could get it."

"Hhhhmmmm.... Garlic knots, just garlic knots." And replied.

He took out his phone, "hello, yes. I would like to order some garlic knots, stuffed crust pizza. Half pineapple with ham and half cheese, and some bread sticks and cinnamon sticks. Pick up, thank you." He spoke so smoothly.

"Are you sure you don't work for the mafia or a business or something? You spoke to smoothly for someone as hot and cold as you." I laughed, he seemed to get the joke after. (It's a bad pun, please forgive me XD)

"Ah, cause my quirk is fire and ice. Got it. It's supposed to be here in a few minutes. What you want to do." He asked. Skipping the first question

"I want to take a nap" I replied, not planning to move.

"Well, you go take a nap. I'll wait and wake you up when the food is here." He responded, sitting in his spinning stool chair and resting his elbows on the counter and browsing on his phone.

I close my eyes and slowly fall into a light slumber.


Hey guys! It's been awhile hasn't it? Heh, sorry. Writers block is a huge ass bitch. Anyways, I like this chapter version than my previous, also, if you read the old version, I'm keeping the eye idea. Just, you gotta wait a bit ;)


"You know, we are still here. Just cause the chapter is over, doesn't mean we can't talk." Todoroki spoke. I pushed him back on the stool.

"Shush." I say

Anyways, see you soon my stars!

~Starlight 🌟

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